Legal question


New member
While I'm a US citizen and CCW holder, my wife & I currently reside out of the US and in a country where there are no limits on magazine capacity. I can get the Glocks, H&Ks, Browning, Berettas, etc all day long and for a good price, (average $ 50). Some family members and friends have asked me about shipping them some from here and that is where my quandry comes in.

I don't want to break any laws, especially in the area of international arms dealings and jeapordize my life, career or CCW permit. Does anyone know if it would be legal to ship those mags into the US? Or physically take them with me the next time I return?

Thanks for any advice or help.


New member
My understanding of the law is that no hi-caps may be imported (read smuggled) into the US that were manufactured after the 1994 cuttoff.

p.s.What is your mailing address? ;)

"peace, love, joy, and happiness..."


New member
If they were made after 9/14/94 you may not bring them into the country as they are an item prohibited from importation. Now if you happen to find any that were made prior to that date, those would still be importable. There was legislation pending as part of the Juvenile Crime Bill sponsored by DiFi that would close that 'loophole', but it died in committee during the last legislative session.



A quick question: No mags made in another company, for consumption in a non-US company would have a date on it. How does one know (read Customs) that a mag with no date on it is not a pre-ban, legal for importation???

Also, $50 seems kind of high for a Glock mag that costs L.E. <$15. Why the high prices for foreign Glock mags/??

[This message has been edited by WalterGAII (edited February 05, 2000).]


New member
Disassemble the mags and ship the springs and followers to me in one box and the rest in another box. I will reassemble them and distribute them to your relatives, I promise... :)


New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ankeny:
Disassemble the mags and ship the springs and followers to me in one box and the rest in another box. I will reassemble them and distribute them to your relatives, I promise... :)


It would seem to me that if the springs were in one box and the body in another it would be merely boxes of scrap metal . If this fella can find a use for these otherwise useless pieces of scrap metal then more power to him .
