Legal Production Of A Single Shot Pistol (Homemade)


New member
Hello, I see a lot of people making these zip guns which apparently are often illegal. I know there are some exceptions to these homemade firearms, so I was wondering if anyone has any document I can look at that clearly spells these things out. Thanks a lot.


The very basic answer is that you can make a gun for your own personal use as long as it's a legal firearm for you to own.

The big thing for a pistol is that you can't make a smoothbore pistol unless you already have all the approvals/paperwork/registration/taxes taken care of.

The other obvious pitfall is that if you start making and selling guns, you're going to attract some very unwelcome attention.

Q: Does the GCA prohibit anyone from making a handgun, shotgun or rifle?

With certain exceptions a firearm may be made by a non-licensee provided it is not for sale and the maker is not prohibited from possessing firearms. However, a person is prohibited from assembling a non-sporting semi-automatic rifle or non-sporting shotgun from imported parts. In addition, the making of an NFA firearm requires a tax payment and approval by ATF. An application to make a machine gun will not be approved unless documentation is submitted showing that the firearm is being made for a Federal or State agency.

[18 U.S.C. 922(o) and (r), 26 U.S.C. 5822, 27 CFR 478.39, 479.62 and 479.105]​


New member
There are two sets of laws to be concerned with when making your own firearms.

On the federal level, it's pretty straightforward. As long as you steer clear of 922r and anything that could be considered an NFA weapon, you are probably ok. As far as zip guns go, it would need a rifled barrel to avoid AOW status.

The real difficulties would lay at state/local level. Some states actually ban "zip guns", or have laws that could prevent other difficulties.

Did you have a particular state in mind?


New member
Or, if you only want a single shot,
How about a bow and arrow.
Probably better accuracy than a home made pistol, faster reloads and very quiet.
Less likely to blow up, too.
And no legal hassles.
Just a thought.