Legal for me to own a Handgun?


New member
This question is of a legal nature, but the Legal and Political Forum seems to lean more towards politics, so I thought I would ask here. All of the firearms laws that I have read pertaining to handguns specify that you must be 21 years old both to purchase a handgun and be licensed for concealed carry, but I have seen nothing to indicate that you must be 21 to own a handgun. Is it legal for me, at 19 years old, to own a handgun? I own several rifles, and would like to add a handgun for plinking purposes. Is there a legal way to do this, or do I just need to be patient and wait a couple of years?


New member
There is a good chance you can own a handgun.

At the top of each page on TFL there is a little on "Library" and go to state laws. I got it for you this time..... .

Laws vary from state to state and you will have to check your city ordinances. is illegal for a dealer to sell to you but OK for you to engage in a private transaction. And OK for you to own and use a handgun. You are going to have to research the situation in your particular area.

Good luck, stay safe and happy shootin.



Probably the easiest way to get what you want is for someone to give it to you as a gift. Check your local and state laws, of course.


New member

Thanks for the link. Based on how I read the Texas laws listed there, I can purchase a handgun through private transaction, which only leaves the issue of needing to be 21 to purchase handgun ammo. Now I've just got to watch for ads in my area.


New member
the ammo is no problums. you just buy a reloading set and mail order the bullets and cases for the gun. or get a 22 l.r. handgun and have fun


New member
Check with a local lawyer, the Federal law reads that you must be 21 to purchase a firearm. That has been applied to those having an FFL, but it can also be interpreted to mean any purchase.

I wouldn't risk selling you a handgun based on the "legal advice" offered on these forums. Just be patient, otherwise you may well lose your right to own any firearms.


As far as buying ammo, if you tell the merchant that you are buying it for a carbine chambered in a pistol caliber, they cannot refuse to sell it to you as long as you are at least 18. ;)


New member

Reserved Powers clause ring a bell. The only reason the Feds can dictate to FFLs is it involves interstate commerce, and they use the authority granted by the constituion to "regulate" it.

Private party transactions within a State's borders are goverened by state law, not trying to make you "comfortable" just a little FYI.


New member
9 x 19: It's the "Commerce Clause" that allows the feds to regulate firearms dealings.

And straight from the ATF:

(F6) Does a customer have to be a certain age to buy firearms or ammunition from a licensee?

Yes. Long guns and long gun ammunition may be sold only to persons 18 years of age or older. Sales of handguns and ammunition for handguns are
limited to persons 21 years of age and older.
Although some State and local ordinances have lower age requirements, dealers are bound by the
minimum age requirements established by the GCA.
If State law or local ordinances establish a higher minimum age, the dealer must observe the
higher age requirement.

[18 U.S.C. 922(b)(1), 27 CFR 178.99(b)]

(F7) May a licensee sell interchangeable ammunition such as .22 cal. rimfire to a person less than 21 years old?

Yes, provided the buyer is 18 years of age or older, and the dealer is satisfied that it is for use in a rifle. If the ammunition is intended for use in a
handgun, the 21 year old minimum age requirement is applicable.

[18 U.S.C. 922(b)(1), 27 CFR 178.99(b)]

So eve if your state allows under 21s to buy guns, it will have ot be private sale and people would have ot ask why do you want this handgun?

You can always shoot your dad's, uncle's, or older friends handguns.

It is problematic. Maybe a local person, non-FFL could sell it to you. But it would be exposing them to risk and liability.

While your state law may allow you to possess or even own a handgun, most people are not willing to challenge Uncle Sam like that.

The Supremacy Clause of the US Constitution states that federal law is the law of the land.

And in light of the recent school shootings, I don't think you'd like to call attention to yourself like that.

So wait your time.

Get an AR-15, FAL, or a nice shotgun instead.


New member

I had pretty much already decided to let it go for the time being and fill my desires with a new rifle. I do appreciate the extremely detailed reply though.