Leftist America Blocks TFL!!!!

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Fellow TFL forum members,
I write this to you through a proxy server as TFL is blocked inside the Leftist Panera Bread main frame! I have long been suspect of the motives of the big shots at Panera bread but who is going to get politics get in the way of good food, but tonight I decided to try to surf the Internet as they are a high speed wi-fi hotspot which beats my dial-up at home. The firewall that Panera uses is http://cfssupport.sonicwall.com/Support/web/eng/newui/ratingReview.jsp go there and voice your opinion tell them they need to allow TFL as a matter of free speech! Right now there are Marines, sailors, soldiers and airmen in support of OIF and OEF for the GWOT dying to protect the free speech these people are trying to block! Ladies and Gentlemen please don't let them get away with this I will no longer be a patron of Panera bread. I strongly suggest you join me.
An angry American


Staff Alumnus
Right now there are Marines, sailors, soldiers and airmen in support of OIF and OEF for the GWOT dying to protect the free speech these neo-facists are trying to block!

One: it's 'fascists,' not 'facists.'

Two: Fascism is about the state having absolute authority. What you're describing is the opposite of fascism.

Please get your terms correct before you use them.



I'd bet a week's salary that the techs who set up that network are using one of the numerous widely popular filter applications that by default are often set up to keep firearm related information out of schools in addition to pornography, racist material and other such controversial issues. Try to understand that the people that write and publish this software do so like this because it's what the customers want. Panera is a private business and is allowed to restrict whatever they damn well please.

Now to think that this is somehow a direct attack against this particular forum by a national chain of restaurants is ridiculous. Free speech stops at the door of a private business.


New member
I will concede that I misused terms but I was able to access http://www.bradycampaign.org/ and find it a bit ironic that this was not classified under the category "Weapons" as well. They are a corporation and can limit what goes on inside their access and from now on I will keep my Internet at home and my bread at the grocery store.


there ya go

If Panera has a problem with firearms related discussion then don't patronize them. That's the right thing to do. Just don't link this to some massive leftist conspiracy against this forum.

Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
While this may be a political issue, it is certainly not about civil rights. It is about individual rights, however. The right of a company to choose the type of access it wants.

Closed for being off-topic.
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