
Check the link for time and places.Read this is scary crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

America's Aggressive Civil Rights Organization

November 10, 2000

ALERT: Socialist Demonstrations

From: Liz Michael

  • Sent: Friday, November 10, 2000 3:23 PM
    Subject: ALERT- Mobilization

    ALERT - MOBILIZATION for Saturdays, November 11 and 18. 1 PM.
    Please forward to EVERYONE you know IMMEDIATELY

    - - ---------------------------------------------

    I've thought about this and thought about this and thought about

    The next two Saturdays there are scheduled to be leftist
    protests, which I designed to be part of an overall media
    strategy to get Al Gore illegitimately installed as the 43rd
    President of the United States.

    Normally, I don't like to go to rallies. I don't like showings.
    I don't really like these goofs who have nothing better to do
    than go to rallies. I'd rather be working.

    However, it has become clear to me that these rallies are very
    different. These rallies are designed to directly undermine a
    legitimate election for President of the United States, and to
    undermine and eliminate the very republic itself. They are
    seeking to influence the electors of the Electoral College to
    dishonor their vow to do their duty as the citizens elected
    them to.

    And as such, I believe they need to be met man per man, sign
    per sign, flag per flag.

    I believe we may well have two choices. We can meet these
    liberal tools right here, right now, peacefully, and show the
    whole world, which may be watching, that we defend the duly
    elected President-elect of the United States and the United
    States Constitution. Or we can allow these people to work
    their conspiracy to overturn an election, undermine the
    Constitution, install an illegitimate President whose federal
    agents we will have to fight violence against violence. Perhaps,
    by meeting these individuals at these rallies, we can possibily
    help avert a civil war.

    Therefore, I am urging all people to read this letter, to show
    up at these rallies for a counter-demonstration against the
    "Counter Coup", as this entity is calling itself. I am
    additionally forwarding this list to the press, in the event
    they have not yet seen it. Their web site is


    A caveat I issue here. I won't want any of you to engage in
    violence against these people. However, I have been informed
    that certain demonstrations have riots planned in them. If
    this is the case, and a rally turns violent, retreat, walk
    away and disperse. This is not the place to engage the enemies
    of freedom in battle. We may find ourselves with ample
    necessity to do that later on.

    Even if you don't personally support George W. Bush or his
    government, I am still of the opinion that these leftist
    tools need to be met anyway.

    In Liberty,

    Bob--- Age and deceit will overcome youth and speed.
    I'm old and deceitful.


New member
I just received the same e-mail from Liz. Very disturbing!

Donnez-moi la liberté, ou donnez-moi la mort!


We will be counter-demonstrating at Patriot's Square Park in Phoenix this Saturday at 1pm.

P-Park is located downtown between Jefferson and Washington near Central Ave or so.



New member
Looks like tomorrow could get pretty hot. Keep on your toes everyone, we never know what this could evolve into very quickly.

And, remember: PROTESTING WORKS!
Let's get off our lazy asses and get out and counter protest. Don't let them be heard with no reply. These people have bullied their way in politics for too long by protesting at everything that does not go their way. It is time to show up and fight back.