Left Handed Alternative


New member
Hello all!
Im looking for a quality left handed alternative for the Glock G19.
Although i can use the G19 lefty, I find operating its controls unweildy depsite its small size because of my left hand dominance..
Can anyeon recomend anything inparticulare or point in the direction of some manufactures who havent forgotten that their are hundreds of thousands of leftys out there..
thanks all!

Dave Markowitz

New member
If you are amenable to a single action auto, check out the Browning High Power or a good 1911. With an ambi safety they are very easily worked by a lefty (I am one myself). I don't have large hands and like both of these designs.

The slide and mag releases can be operated by the fore finger and middle finger, respectively.


New member
Ruger P95/97 series guns & Walther/S&W P99 series guns have full ambi mag releases. I have a Ruger P95 that, although I'm right-handed, I prefer using the right-side mag release button w/ my trigger finger to drop a mag.

As for slide releases, I gave up using them a long time ago. I prefer the "slingshot" method. You never have to lose your shooting grip, & it works on every type of semi-auto.

Just my own thoughts... :D ``


New member
Good posts above.
I am also a lefty. A while back, I chose a Glock 22 for shooting USPSA matches specifically for its left hand adaptability. The only shortcoming I found was that the slide release was difficult to operate due to its low profile. Either adopting the slingshot method or installing an extended slide release will solve this problem handily.
I have since bumped the Glock to home defense duty and replaced it with a Para-Ordnance P-16 for match use.
A 1911 design works very well for me as long as it has an ambi safety. I find that I can't use any kind of enlarged/extended mag release as a normal firing grip will often cause the magazine to go bombs away. :eek:
I have an EAA witness that has a reversible mag catch. I reversed it to try, but changed it back because I had to shift my grip to use my thumb. I use my trigger finger to release mags(your finger should be off the trigger while changing mags anyway)but this is my personal preference and your mileage may vary.


New member
HK P-2000. Ambidextrious magazine release, ambidextrious slide release, LEM trigger doesn't have a safety lever at all so really, it's about as "lefty-friendly" as you can get. :)


New member
I think you should rethink the Glock. I'm a lefty and have been shooting autos for MANY years. Use the left index or middle finger for mag release. Forget the use of the slide release. The Feds teach the slingshot method at FLETC and it works for all autos. My duty gun is a Beretta 96D and my off duty gun is an H&K USPcLEM. Both fully function for a lefty. If I needed to shoot a Glock, no prob as they are 100% lefty friendly IMHO.

Semper Fi :D


I'm right handed, and I find the typical auto set-up unwieldy for the right. Rarely are mag release buttons anywhere near the right thumb.

Probably the easiest piece to deal with by either hand is the P7M8. All the controls are right under your fingers from where they naturally come to rest.


New member
Don't forget about Springfield XD's, they have ambi mag releases and they're inexpensive NIB, about $400.


New member
the glock is definelty feasible for me and i have no real problems with it, but at the core of it all, it simply isnt made for me...know what i mean?
this question is really a matter of finding whats the "right" pistol for me, not finding "what could work" for me.
Sure there are plenty of Ambi semis out there, but i guess what im looking for is something tailored specifically for a lefty. I want my casings to eject on the correct side and i want all my safeties,mag release,and slide lock on the correct side and me. no over/under hand reaching..
I like the glock and i used that as my baseline example because im not big guy.Although im 6', 230 lbs i have long wirery arms and the glocks frame fits my hand well and i like the feel and trigger. but thats where it ends. :p


New member
HK P7M8.

Ambi mag release, squeezing the cocking lever drops the slide, so no release lever. The best ambi gun I've ever found. :cool:



The "problems" you have with right handed guns are the same problems right-handers have with them. The mag and slide release are rarely located ideally for either hand. Many times the lefty actually has a better, more natural grasp of the "standard" auto controls - as envisioned 100 years ago, and rarely changed since.

But no one, short of some oddball smith, is going to make a mirror image, "lefty only" pistol. With a handgun, there is simply no need. There are a number of fine ambi guns out there, and that's the best you can do.

I have yet to see a firing stance that makes ejection direction at all important in a handgun.


New member
Back many years ago, Randall made an exact mirror image 1911 style pistol for left handers. The controls were on the right side and it even ejected to the left. Randall pistols are considered collectors items and are very expensive but if you are determined to have a left handed pistol this may be your only choice.



New member
Thanks alot all for the the input.
ive got to locate a shop/range that kets you rent/test fire pistols so i can try a multitude of them to find what works best for me.
i will however take a look fro that mirrored 1911..if for nothing else than collecting. :)
again thank you all for your wisdom and input!


He doesn't want ambidextrous. There's quite a few pistols that are completely un-sided, including the 85.


New member
that randall is conceptually EXACTLY what im looking for. a perfectly mirror imaged pistol. but they produced so few of them the odds of my getting my paws on one are likely very slim..and one can only imagine the price..
shame.. some right handed individual has one for a collection and here i am, a REAL lefty and i likely wont find one reasonbly :p
im going to have to save my nickels up and commission a machinist to make me a one off lefty..

was greeat reading on the randall though, they even reversed the spiral of the rifling and the coil of the springs!


All you lefties out there i hear you. Due to a recent bout with carpel tunnel and arthritis in my right hand i've been teaching my self to shoot left handed.

Wheelguns aren't a big problem but autos are a diffrent story. I've never been a big fan of the slingshot method for my autos. It seems unnatural and slower not use the slide release.

Try this=(right had as dominate hand)
Slide locked back
Hit mag release with right thumb while reaching for new mag with left hand while shifting back to firing grip with right hand and bringing gun back on target
Insert new mag
Bring right hand back to firing grip and hit slide release with left thumb.

Now try it by slingshoting the slide. See which is faster and feels more natural.


New member
No flames, please. These are just my experience. :)

Bersa's Thunder 45 if fully ambidextrous outta the box. I've got 1000+ rounds through mine and it's flawless in performance. I bought it on a lark, and it's turned out to be one of my smarter moves.

I also have a Springfield XD-357 that I operate, like most left-handers, with my left index finger vs. right thumb. Same for the cylinder release on my SP-101.

Left-handers have to adapt and overcome, so we acclimate to right-hand guns and then have to re-train ourselves to use ambidextrous guns left-handed. Irony, eh? :rolleyes:
