left handed 1911


New member
I'm fairly new around here, so I appologize if this has been asked before. Recently, someone suggested to me to try to shoot left handed. I had hand surgery years ago and its definately has effected my grip. I didn't realize how much until I shot my Taurus .40 left handed. I actually shot fairly well for it being my first time left handed. Also, I have a 70 series Government model that I love dearly, and would like to know if anyone makes a left handed 1911 clone?

Sorry I took the long way around to the question, but thanks for the advice.

michael t

New member
With a little practice you will find your 70's series is very lefty friendy. Except may need to change safety. I being blessed with being L/handedall of my life love my Colts and other than safety their fine.


New member
the only left handed 1911 clone

was made by Randall in the 80s. Have never seen one in person. They show up on the internet gun auction sites every once in a while, over priced.
I'm a southpaw, and have no problems with running a 1911. Just get an ambi thumb safety. Left trigger finger works the mag release and slide release no problem.

5 minutes later,
Just looked on gunsamerica.com, they've got one listed for $1500.00 :barf:

Dave Sample

The Randalls are now collector's items I guess. I wouldn't have one as a gift. Any good 1911 can be handled very well with a few tweaks so that it ejects straight out and has an amib thumb safety. The magazine catch is actually designed for lefty's in my opinion. Good Luck and Good Shooting


New member

I guess the more I think about it, you guys are absolutely right. Originally I was just thinking about the ejection port. The nice thing is my 1911 already ejects straight up. ( and usually over my head and down the back of my shirt.) :)

I'll look into adding the safety though. Any ideas what something like that would cost. Not that its a big issue, I just like knowing, going in.



Dave Sample

A good ambi from Ed Brown would run about $60-75.00 A smith should be able to install it in a half hour. I did them for about $100.00, including the part. If done right, they work just fine. You have to relieve the grip in the right side, but that is easy , also.


New member
The Randall Portsider has been long out of production, and though MS Safari Arms bought Randall's tooling, they don't currently produce a true "mirror image" left-hand 1911.
Dlask Arms (http://www.dlask.com/1911-11p1.htm) does, but it's too "modern-looking" for my taste.

As others have said, the standard 1911 is already very "left hand friendly", so no worries.