Lee Turret Primer Arm Issue


New member
I have an issue with the lever that actually feeds the primer. When lowering the Ram the lever hits the base like it should, but it lifts the lever before tilting it it back so it hits the shell holder. I de burred the lever and holder and oiled them to no avail. I have to hold the lever down and push it under the shell holder after de priming to get clearance after the primer is loaded into it. I sees to clear fine after the primer is set for the seating and crimping stages (mostly)
It is like the arm hangs on the base and is held from dropping low enough to clear the shell holder as it tilts back and slides under it. I have it properly installed where the cut out in it rides on the pin like it should. I have thought about milling a little of that cut out, also the angled edge of the ram that is sits on looks rough so I thinking of smoothing that too. Thank you.


New member
If I understand correctly, the arm isn't getting tilted in fast enough to clear the shell holder?????

If that's the case, taking material off is the opposite of what it needs. More material will make it tilt in sooner.............

Unless I misunderstood your post, you're going the wrong way.

Pics are helpful.

*********** Disregard*********** After reading it again, I see what you are saying.

Thinking something is out of spec in thickness wise, either the slot in the ram needs to be opened or the priming arm needs to be narrowed.

Are both priming arms that way (large and small) or just one or the other?
Baddaryl, did this turret always have trouble, or did it just develop after use?

I second 849's question about the small and large primer arms...if one does it and the other doesn't, or if both does it, that helps narrow down the problem.

Given the way the arm moves, there shouldn't be any way that the primer arm doesn't go under the cartridge as the ram moves. If it's being lifted off the pin I can only think it isn't sitting on it correctly. You are putting the primer arm on BEFORE placing the shell holder in place, right?


New member
Bought a couple of years ago, but out of the box new. Does it with both primer arms. Hits the shell holder about 1/16 high if I don't hold it down as I lower the Ram. A little better with no primer in it, but still gets hung up. I took some pics and will post later. Thanks.


New member
It's been quite a while since I got my turret, but IIRC, I deburred the channel in the ram, just used an india stone. I also placed a piece of emery cloth on a flat surface and polished both sides of the "arm". I made sure there were no burrs on/near the pin that holds the arm. In other words, I made sure there were nothing to hinder free travel/movement of the arm. I keep a brush on my bench and brush out the channel f the arm appears to be "sluggish". I don't have much of a problem except after depriming 75-80 cases...


New member
Check the machined slot in the ram at the same time that you clean the primer arm. Does this happen with both the small and larger primer arms? Stone if necessary to have free movement of the arms inside of the slot in the ram.

BTW, I don't recommend oiling the primer arms or inside of the ram slot. Doing so guarentees that you will have old primer debris building up and quickly gumming up the operation. Use some graphite or other dry lubes.


New member
Make sure the slot in the ram lines up with the support base,it has to be well positioned or the primer arm will snag.


New member
I second what polyphemus said. Try adjusting one way or the other just a tiny bit and see if that helps. I have three sets of primer arms for large and small primers (six total). I have found that some will hang occasionally while others are just fine. Also, look closely at the cup that holds the primer and make sure it appears to be in line with the arm. I have found that sometimes it will tilt slightly sideways one way or the other and i suspect this causes an occasional hangup.

Smoke & Recoil

New member
Degrease the ram slot, polish the sides of primer arms and degrease too, also
degrease the hole in the shell holder where the primer cup inserts up-into. Run
all of the primer component's dry...use NO OIL, oil acts upon the free movement of the priming system.


New member
I have about 100k through my LCT so I almost figured out all the tips and tricks. Check the ram itself for burs or nicks on the slot for the primer arm. A small jewelers file will smooth it out nicely without having to take it apart. Also clean off any grease or oil you put on it. All this does is attract dirt, powder, and old primer residue and cause it to hang up.


New member
I can see how oiling the primer arm can jam up the mechanism with tailings, but not oiling can cause it to possibly bind and damaged. Interesting...


New member
I cleaned out the oil and smoothed and beveled the edges of the Ram and Arms with the wife's emory boards. . Am seeing some definite improvement. More will be revealed. Thanks everyone.
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Smoke & Recoil

New member
Using 400 or 600 grit paper on the sides of the primer arms will polish them
real nice. Lay the paper flat and swirl the arms on it. Again...NO OIL !

I have the same set as you and mine runs flawless using this method. I've
owned mine for a number of years and it run real smooth with NO OIL.


New member
I had a similar problem when my LCT was new. It was caused by me not fully seating the primer arm in its slot in the ram. Gravity alone didn't seat it. I pushed it further down into its slot and all was well.