Lee turret press parts help


New member
Maybe you guys can help me on this. I haven't had any luck on Lee's website.
I have a three hole turret press from the mid eighties that has served me well, but lately it's been acting up. I'll try to be as specific as I can in describing the problem.
The two arms on either side of the ram have large roll pins holding them in place up under the press body. I assume they have compressed over the years because they are starting to walk out of the press every dozen cycles or so. What I need to know is the correct part description/number to order these. Lee's website for the three hole press shows a shoulder bolt (TP 2118), not a roll pin. But the fine print references a different press if I'm reading it correctly. Is it possible that they don't make this part any longer? I know I can email the factory, but just thought I'd throw this out here to see if someone has been through this before.
Any help would be appreciated.


New member
I would send them an email describing your problem. May take a few days, but they should get back with you. Lee has replaced parts for me before at no cost.


New member
Thanks. That's a better layout than the one I was looking at, but the only roll pin listed is a 5/64 X 3/4. The two I need are much larger and at least twice as long. It's probably possible to slide a similar diameter bolt through the case and two arms and put a nut on the other side.


I'm pretty sure mine has shouldered bolts in those spots. Even then, they work loose unless you set in with Loktite.

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
If I had to guess from that parts list, I'd say the part listed as a shoulder bolt (2 needed) would be the part you need. You could get the same thing at most any hardware store though.


New member
I agree that the shoulder bolts are probably what is being used now. Having something with threads would help keep it from coming loose. But then, my press has run for almost thirty years so I'm not complaining. I've had some dealings with Lee in the past and they have always been great about replacing worn or broken items, even when it wasn't their fault.
If I was just reloading one or two calibers, I'd probably upgrade to a new four hole turret press, but since I have six different die sets in the three hole turrets i'll keep using ole Red.


New member
I talked to Lee personally about about the roll pins creeping out of the frame. The shoulder bolts are now used in place of the roll pins. They have a shallow thread on them that will self tap into the frame. This completely solves the problem. If you call them they will send them free. While you have them on the phone you should get a couple of aluminum links that the handle is bolted to. Its only a matter of time before yours break.


New member
Thanks, 80viking. I was wondering if the shoulder bolts would self tap. I've sent an email to Lee about the problem, I'll post what I hear from them.


New member
I have a press that was from the same time period. It developed similar problems. I called and talked to them and they said to send it in and they would look at it. A few weeks later they sent it back refurbished. It works like a new press now. BTW there was NO CHARGE for the work they did. Give them a call.