Lee turret holders


New member
I have seen a lot of new Lee classic turret users and have seen people ask about something to put the spare turrets in. Well I grabbed a turret and went to the hardware store and this is what I came up with. Hope it helps somebody else that wants to keep them off the bench.
All of the fittings are 3/8 pipe thread.





I like how it gave me back some valuable bench space. They are mounted to the top edge of a shelf and are around 14" above the bench.



New member
Hey! That's pretty creative. Well done. I've been using the bottoms of the round Lee die cases to hold my turrets in, but I like how your solution keeps them off the bench. I'll need to try this.


New member
Damn that is cool Crusty. I was the one who posted the message about where to find the round Lee boxes. I now wish you had posted this instead since I already purchased 5 of the round boxes. But like you said this would be great to clear some clutter off the bench. Smart thinking dude!;)