lee bulge case remover


New member
i recently bough a lee kit for removing bulges in loaded cases, it was in 380, i also have factory crimp dies for 9mm,40.45acp. it was my thinking i could use the push through punchi the 380 kit. i do not understand the funcition of the extenction sleeve, i tried the 45acp and it just pushed the extention sleeve that comes with factory crimp die out the top. what an i doing wrong, i want to run all cal. through so they feed good in pistol. thanks cjs


New member
Unless you are actualy having problems with bulged cases, that sounds like a lot of work for no benefit to push every case through....

Just get a max cartridge gage, lyman makes one for under $15, or wilson tool has one for $20.... If a loaded round goes in the gage, it WILL function in the gun.... http://www.midwayusa.com/product/888465/le-wilson-max-cartridge-gage-9mm-luger

I will load up a batch, then later when watching TV drop each one into the gage.... Have yet to have one I loaded not fit, though some gun show reloads that gave my PF9 fits DID fail to go in..... (bought long before I started reloading)


New member
Unless you are actualy having problems with bulged cases, that sounds like a lot of work for no benefit to push every case through....

Yes it is a lot of work, but there are side benefits.

Almost all my pistol brass is range pick up, where, in what and by whom is totally unknown. So after tumbling the cases they ALL get run through the bulge buster and Factory Crimp Die. NEVER, let me repeat NEVER do I have a falure to feed from one of these cases (now that's better than American Express, priceless) And two in resizing/decaping the cases they run through the die like sliced butter and put less stress on the carbide ring on the die.

Is it more work? YES Do the cases come out shiny clean and just like new _ YES.

Your choice, your time.


And DA, yes you take the insert out of the FCD when using it with the bulge buster.


New member
that sounds like a lot of work for no benefit to push every case through....

Just get a max cartridge gage, lyman makes one for under $15, or wilson tool has one for $20.... If a loaded round goes in the gage, it WILL function in the gun.

I use the Redding GRX die for all my 10mm and 40 S$W. Yes, it is an extra step and more work, but it is a lot less work and much faster than running every round through a case gauge looking for defective loaded rounds. With the GRX die I know the brass case will fit before they are loaded, not after.