LEE Auto prime 2 ( if U see one get it!)

I finally got a hold of one of these. I had been after one for a couple years.

After getting it cleaned and Graphite lubed. I proceeded to prime 500 9mm cases and about 400 300 Black out and another 300 223 cases.

1st thing I noticed, I can tell why LEE discontinued this tool.
There is quite a bit of space between the sides of the shell holder and the primer/arm.
I smashed a few until I figured out how to do it.

This picture shows the space I am talking about. The primer can slip off the side and get wedged.


The reason I say if you see one get it.
I found a simple fix. I have a RCBS APS bench top primer. With that one you have to use plastic inserts in the shell holders to take up that space.
I inserted the plasic parts in the shell holder and that fixed it 110%

If LEE had added these to the kit they would still be selling these things by the train load.
With the easy cheap fix. This is the fastest, easiest primer I have used.
And I have used allot of them.



If you have one and hate it. PM me I need spares.

filthy phil

New member
Yeah I returned my auto prime. Now placing each one in the cup by hand. Go down, prime, go up and expand. Just did 200 9mm like that, took about an hour


New member
COZ I stole the picture of the RCBS inserts and posted it a while ago. They REALLY do make the AutoPrime II an amazing, fast and fool proof priming tool.

If you don't take E-Biggies offer I will.


New member
Neat post, great tool.

It's just that...
I got mine in 1989 -- haven't ever smashed a primer with it in 2.5 decades...
Perhaps yours has more slop.

Mine is awesome and you can fine tune depth, feel, more leverage than you'll ever need and without losing feedback and feel from the lever. It is as perfect a priming tool as I could envision.