LEE Auto bench Prime has been released!!

lee n. field

New member
I have mine on the way. Of course I need another priming tool like I need a hole in the head.
What can I say... I am a mooch for priming tools.

Let us know, also, what you think of Lee's new design of primer tray.

I picked up a few, but just time to finally (I think) give up on the Pro 1000, and they don't seem to fit anything else I'm going to use. But they are easy to load, and easy to mount to the press' priming assembly without fiddling.


New member
Hope for the best. I bought the new tray/feeder that fits the XR and the Ergo hand primers. I started out using it with the Ergo and priming 45 ACP LP and it worked great. I was really enthused. Then I tried it out with SP for 9 MM. Have yet to get it to work right. I think the chute is too narrow, I'll tinker with it later. In the mean time I just went back to my old standby round tray version. I'm afraid this is another case of Lee coming up with a good design but poor manufacturing quality. Time will tell.


New member
quick review...

Had it for a few days now, mounted to the Bench Plate. So far so good, The Shellholders are the old standby ones that I've used for the Auto-Prime. I like the feel they give, and the feeder uses a little spring to vibrate the feeder/tray for more consistent drop.

I've only done some large pistol so far and they fed pretty consistently. I liked the new tray system so much I ordered the safety prime version for my presses. The old round Safety Prime won't work with these new trays. Bummer.


New member
Case position looks awkward. Wouldn't it be better to have the case on top and the primer tray in front ?
1stmar said:
Case position looks awkward. Wouldn't it be better to have the case on top and the primer tray in front ?

I suspect its for safety. In the event a primer goes off. The results of the event would be directed away from the user.

I have mine in hand, So far soo good. I actually like the size, it can fit just about anywhere.


Here you can see I lifted the primer so you can see it. They do a good job of keeping the next primers away from the one you seating.


I have done a couple hundred of each size primers. large (45acp) and small ( .380) Not one failure and the feel is nice. You can really feel the primer being seated.
Two ways I use my priming tools. Ether as a batch tool. I.E. my 45acp I size and prime a bunch and reload on my progressive press.
Or in series while loading on my turret.
Seems to fit what I do.

Here is a quick Video of series priming.


Please ignore my failure in safety practices. I took my safety glasses off so I could see what I was doing when setting up the camera. I forgot to put them back on. Thats a big fail and I apologize.


New member
All I can say is I've had mine for 3 weeks and have primed approx. 500 cases. After the first 60, I reread the instructions and the next 100 went smoothly, all 100 non-stop. Wrong side, right side, nerf launcher? Mebbe. But I have run military surplus rifle brass, commercial rifle brass, mil surplus pistol brass, commercial pistol brass, revolver brass, any headstamp and when I follow directions I can dump 100 primers in the "backwards" tray and stuff primers until the tray is empty...:p

I haven't seen any thing that stands out, pro or con, about the new foldable primer tray as mine has worked just fine.

I don't find the position of the shell holder odd or uncomfortable. I have the tool in front of me with the handle/tray on the right side (A pause for the COZ's pics show his tool mounted fore and aft, where I mounted mine left and right). I pick up a case in my left hand, insert it in the shell holder. With my right hand I actuate the handle, feel the primer hit bottom, and move the handle back, making sure it fully travels to the stop. Remove the case with my left hand, drop it in a tray and get a new one.
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