Leaving your pistol in condition one


New member
Well, here it is, post 100. I wonder if I am still to be called a "member." It's like reading something from Beeline. Anyway...

I have a CZ 97B. It has a manual safety, pin block and drop down safety as well. I like to carry it cocked and locked manual safety activated. My question is, do any of you forsee any damage or wear long term as a result of leaving a pistol in this condition?


New member
Thanks for the replies, gents. This the only firearm I keep with one in the chamber, but because of its construction, I don't really worry about safety issues. Was curious about any possible long-term effects. There is so much stuff out there that is misleading or incorrect. I read that you can weaken your springs, or some such thing. Okay, I'm gullible. :eek:


New member
I read that you can weaken your springs, or some such thing.

Weakening springs by leaving them compressed for long periods is nonsense - for a properly heat-treated spring. (That is to say, if it's not properly heat treated, it's not a spring but rather a coil of wire.)

Number and speed of cycles is what wears a spring.

You can park a car for years and start it right up. The valvesprings have been compressed for years, but they still hold the valves shut!

Then take a new engine, rev it too high and suddenly your low-mileage valvesprings won't do squat.