Leaving the Country


New member
I'm goint to Brazil for 3 weeks... 5 times more dangerous country, no pistol. :mad:
After everyday carry here, I'm dreading that naked feeling.

Anyone know what the knife laws are for Brazil? :rolleyes:
Sao Paulo state to be specific?

I'm also going to have to get used to having a gun iwb all over again when I get back - that'll be fun.


New member
You won't be naked. Hopefully you will carry with you a heightened situational awareness that will keep your butt out of a bad situation for the duration.

As far as five times dangerous, Its an average. You might already live in or near an area with the same crime rate so don't sweat the small stuff. ;) On the other hand SP might be bringing up the national average as well. Stay frosty.

I bet that IWB will feel like an old friend after three weeks.


New member
Been to Brazil many times on business, the city of Sao Paulo always multiplied my pucker factor by at least 5.....outlying areas throughout the country were much safer. Find someone local to befriend and help you assimilate into their culture. Be aware of your surroundings and tap into that sixth sense. Dress like the locals and don't give people the appearance you're an outsider. Never leave anything in your hotel you wouldn't miss if stolen. Beware of the wildlife.....lizards and snakes sometimes sneak into the hotel rooms looking for insects. Enjoy the food....Brazilian BBQ is something to look forward to.


New member
I shoulda prefaced... My wife is Brazilian, been there several times.
But this is the first trip back after a few years, and having been ccw'ing since.

Still wondering about the knife laws there...

And yes... The churrascaria bbq's are fantastic!
$11 and all the Fillet, Sirloin, sausages and chicken a guy can handle, PLUS a buffet!
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New member
+1 on the walking stick

I am sure you will get much less flack about a walking stick then any knife. Unless you are a talented knife thrower you will have a much longer defensive reach with the walking stick then you will a knife.

Just start working on your slight limp (if you don't already have one) and a cool story of where the limp came from. Be sure your wife knows the limp story too so she can back it up if questioned.


New member
Just start working on your slight limp

The amusing thing was, I'd broken my leg, and I realy had to use the cane. I was down in Brazil and Argentina looking for some Polo ponies.

Never had to use the cane, glad I didn't.

As for Brazilian Knife laws, I called a saddle maker whom lives down there;

"NO laws, the cops make it up depending How much you look like you're worth"


New member
Yes there are some very dangerous places in Brazil. One of the 'follow gps blindly ' stories involved tourists who found gps didn't know the neighborhoods. As they drove through a drug gang controlled area they were immediately fired at !!! They managed not toget hit but left Brazil quickly !!:rolleyes: