Leaving antis speechless...


New member
I find I do this a lot. Truthfully.

Last night, a buddy was over, and I was oiling up my Beretta in the kitchen in plain view of everyone while he was talking with my family and looking at some pics.

He looked at my dad and said "This guy's got problems."

Up in my room a bit later, he told me he "just doesn't like guns."

"Why?" I asked him.

"I just don't."

He then proceeded to change the subject. Not wanting to be overly-aggressive, I let it go.

An uncle of mine (NO, not that one) is "concerned" about my interest in guns, because he says, "accidents happen."

"Like what?" I've asked.

The subject promptly gets changed.

Why do they do this? They realize on some level "oh ****! I really don't know why and I don't want to look like a fool so I'm just going to shut up!" Is that it?

I don't want to persist too much, as it seems (unfortunately) that most people I know simply don't want to talk about it.

Lord Grey Boots

New member
A lot of Anti's seem to use "Proof by Assertion". IE they claim something is true just by stating it.

They expect you to nod in agreement.

I just play dumb and start asking questions. Force them to think and explain their position. I don't disagree with them. I just question them.

Tim Currie

New member
Think I'll try your aproach on my sisters from now on. Since they are most definitely not possible to discuss or argue anything with.


New member
My Mom is about the only one to say something reasonable to me when I asked "why?". She was a nurse and saw several gunshot wounds --> does not like guns. I suppose I could try to convince her otherwise (what about knife wounds, car accidents, etc), but darn, she's one stubborn lady.

Happy Thanksgiving to all.


New member
I'd crowd the Hell out of people like this - especially someone who tells another "He's got problems" and justifies it by saying "I just don't like guns". :confused: :mad:

Be Mr. Compassionate: "No, I'd truly like to know why you don't like guns - perhaps if I know of some tragic incident in your past with guns, it might keep me from offending you again." (Try to keep the sarcasm out of your voice.)

These people make drive-by snotty comments and then expect to be let off when asked why.

Crowd 'em, make 'em squirm, make 'em so goddam sorry they ever said anything without having back up. If you don't, be prepared for the zingers to continue.


New member
"He's got problems"???????????

That is a comment that would set me off, especially since he has nothing to back that up other than his own opinion. HE could be the one with problems.

I love arguing with people over guns just for the fun of it. It's like religion and politics, though...people either understand or they don't.

"Accidents happen"

Yeah, well, they do in cars, too. And pharmacists or doctors can give you the wrong medications. And the bathroom tub can be slippery. That is the lamest "reason" around.

In all honesty, I have yet to meet someone who is anti-gun who can give me a FACT that is true (i.e. NOT twisted from reality) about why people shouldn't have firearms. Not one. I've been told by one of my aunts that anyone can go to a gun store or gun show and buy an automatic (she means full-auto) weapon. She's also told me that full-auto weapons are the weapons of choice for gangs in her area (St. Louis). She refuses to listen when I tell her that any time there is a full-auto weapon used in the commission of a crime, it usually makes national news. She (and others) also believe in the media's assertions that illegal gun trafficking among criminals in the US is a multi-billion $$ per year industry and that stolen firearms habitually sell for 2-3 times their retail price. My cousin, her daughter, believes in calling 9-1-1, even though she and her husband were stopped by a gang at one time and robbed after he was beaten badly by them (there were four, all unarmed as far as they knew...a handgun would likely have deterred them and their numbers and actions would have justified its presentation...oops, maybe not in socialist St. Louis).

Over all, I just argue with antis for the emotional rush. Most will never be convinced by reason. It takes an EVENT in their own lives to change their attitude.


New member
Maybe there is a problem. I wonder if it might be in choice of friends. I recall an old Clint Eastwood movie where he was sitting in a bar and a woman tried to pick him up. He just looked her up and down and said, "Only with human beings".

So what is your friend's hobby, collecting macaroni sculpture? I used to have a friend whose hobby was working on a pit crew changing tires for a race car and that is all he talked about. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Oops sorry I nodded off there. Anyway, this guy is now an aquaintance and not a friend.

They realize on some level "oh ****! I really don't know why and I don't want to look like a fool so I'm just going to shut up!" Is that it?
It is called projection and denial. He projects his own internal disarray onto you then denies the idea came from him.

Hunter Rose

New member
I've had ONE...

... person who actually had a personal reason for not approving of guns: an ex who took a couple pellets from a shotgun due to a ND. And LOTS of people who justify an anti stance because of irresponsible hunters (to which I usually ask "So *I* shouldn't have a gun because someone else is an idiot?")

Those who refuse to back up their arguements (on any topic) do so because they HAVE nothing to back-up with. And they're usually the most fun to argue with... ;)


New member
Next time the subject comes up try picking up your gun and placing it on a table unloaded and right next to it a bullet.

Stand back from the table and tell your gun to get up and go get $200 for you from the local Stop and Rob. I anticipate a fair amount or reluctance on your gun's part to commit a crime but you'll just have to keep after it. Talk to you gun, lecture it, exhort it to provide you with money.

Then when you've made your point continuing cleaning or put it away.

Jim March

New member
The easiest way to leave an anti speechless is to steal their notes.

They're too stupid to speak coherently off-the-cuff :D.


New member
Arguing with people about a polarizing issue like gun control is often counter-productive, because it tends to paint them into a corner. After committing themselves to their beliefs by publicly stating them, their pride keeps them from ever admitting that they're wrong. It also tends to make them resent (or even hate) the person they're arguing with, especially if it's obvious that you're right and they're wrong. Someone who hates gun owners is probably not going to vote for pro-gun legislation or candidates, and may even go out of his/her way to vote against you. Not a desirable outcome.

I'm in complete agreement with Lord Grey Boots — It's better to plant the seeds of doubt by asking questions, without stating any strong disagreement to their answers. It doesn't matter what their answers are (some of which may merely be attempts at face-saving). It's what they're thinking that matters. At best, they may eventually come around to your way of thinking. At worst, they may at least realize that gun ownership has its good points.