Learned something yesterday ...

I was speaking with my wife yesterday (again) about the possibility of her learning how to use a handgun. So far, she's been resistant, and even a bit reluctant to even discuss it. We talked for a while about it, and my take was that she was somehow afraid of guns, or just didn't like guns. I told her the usual stuff, how a gun is as safe as the person handling it, they don't go off by themselves, etc.

She said, "That's not it."

"Oh, so what is the real roadblock, then? I really can't figure it out."

She looked at me for a long minute, then said, "I'm afraid I'll like it. Then I'll get hooked, and want more guns, more range time, more this, more that, and then wind up spending all my time, money and energy on it. If I don't start, then I can't get 'addicted'."

I stared at her for a minute, then hugged her, and said, "That's okay, I understand. I'm hooked m'self."

She just nodded, and we both went back to what we'd been doing.


New member
I guess I'd just have to get her a handgun, . . . one that I really thought she would like, . . . and take my chances.

I say that from experience, . . . I would absolutely love the idea that my wife spent more on guns, ammo, range time, targets, etc. than I do.

It would be another thing we enjoy together, . . . could scrimp & save for together, . . . and I'd take a razor to the word "addicted" in my dictionary.

As it is, . . . she occasionally will go out and shoot with me, . . . but mostly she would just rather curl up with a book.

Anyway, . . . just my $ .02

May God bless,
Now you know what to get her for Christmas!
Her first handgun & an NRA membership!!!

And a new pillow for the couch so I'll be comfortable in my new sleeping quarters. She will, sooner or later, come around to it, but if I push her she'll resent it, I'll pay for it, and only she will be happy. Women are always happy when they can make you suffer. :(


New member
It's a valid concern. Every time I get into a new hobby it costs money and time, not always a good thing.
Only if you are not in control of your spending.
Every time I get into a new hobby, my other hobbies must make compromises.

My interests may be unlimited; but my disposable income is limited.

I ride motorcycles (and restore old ones), I shoot, I enjoy boats and snowmobiles and Jet-skis and a number of other things...but I know how to prioritize.

We pay the bills first, and whatever is left over we decide how to spend it. I'd like to own a Coonan and an S&W E-series 1911....and a new boat, a number of old bikes, cars, and about a million other things. Will I get there?

Maybe...Probably not. The key is, I am an adult, and am in control of my spending. I am not a member of Congress--I cannot spend other peoples' money.

I could (theoretically) spend money I do not have, but that is a bad move. I wish Congress understood that principle.
Mikey the Barbarian said:
She looked at me for a long minute, then said, "I'm afraid I'll like it. Then I'll get hooked, and want more guns, more range time, more this, more that, and then wind up spending all my time, money and energy on it. If I don't start, then I can't get 'addicted'."
It's a much healthier addiction than, say, crack. Cheaper, too.


New member
Be happy your wife isn't born and raised Japanese. Their general view is anyone that wishes to own a gun isn't quite right. Every time I did one of mine out she gives me this look. Never says a word but she has this serious face that says " I married a slightly mental moron". :)


New member
Keep her away from the 1911s then.

A big +1 to that. It's amazing how addictive they are and how easy it is to justify the next one, even if it's nearly identical to the one you just purchased.


New member
Just let her know that it is not something you can get addicted to...

I tell my wife all the time I'm not addicted. I can stop any time I want... I promise.

I just choose not to... :D

Doc TH

New member
Buy her a Ruger MKII or MKIII for Xmas. Tell her it's very inexpensive to shoot...and the money she saves that way can go for new shoes.


New member
Be happy your wife isn't born and raised Japanese. Their general view is anyone that wishes to own a gun isn't quite right. Every time I did one of mine out she gives me this look. Never says a word but she has this serious face that says " I married a slightly mental moron".

Funny you say that, I used to work with a Japanese lady that used to shoot constantly, she's even starting to get back into reloading.

She said her family all thought she was insane for shooting though.