Learn from my mistake part 2, Range Report!

Superhouse 15

New member
If you missed part one, please catch up here: You'll enjoy it.
OK, I took it to the range and fired the gun with that magazine. Shameless plug.

I fired the magazine that was in the gun. No problems. I wanted to heat up the gun a little to make it realistic.

I then peeled off all the extras and loaded up the gun. It went in ok....

But failed to go fully into battery. The "Tap" of a Tap-Rack worked, the slide closed into battery.

First and second fired fine, the third shot failed to go fully into battery. Again, a tap to the base worked.

I finished off the mag with no problems except I missed the X twice.

Gun Scrubber and Hoppes #9 failed to clean the mess. I was thinking I was going to have to lick it, but I tried Foaming Bore Cleaner and it worked perfectly.

Your comments, questions, jokes, criticisms, and ideas are welcome as always.


New member
Thanks for the report! I loved it. I saw the first thread about how it happened. It's understandable. I really like how instead of just wondering what would have happened, you went to the range and found out! Not to shabby either, I expected at least one FTF.


New member
Nice Post!

This might be a wake up call for everyone. These things are just pieces of machinery and can be made to malfunction..I really enjoyed the read.

I remember something from a story where a guy was wearing a fleece type jacket with the adjustable drawstring at the waist. The little plastic device that keep the drawstring adjusted (don't know what they are called) became wedged in the fingerguard of his Glock. When he tried to draw the pistol (Mexican Carry), the device pulled the trigger.....bang!:eek:

Amazing fluke of bad luck, but never the less, deadly.

Thanks again for the info. Most people would never admit to things like lunch box type carry, but all of us have done a stupid thing or two in our lifes :eek:.