Lead pieces/debris inside AR-10 BCG???


New member
I have no idea what this means. I have an AR-15 and I have never had this issue. I found 4-5 small round pieces of what appears to be lead inside the BCG of my Ruger SR-762. They didn't fall out until I removed the bolt assembly. Any ideas on what causes this? The rifle is functioning perfectly. I shot a 2" group at 400 yards two weekends ago after installing the Timney trigger, and I have about 200 rounds through it. Needless to say, I love the rifle.






New member
Nice rifle.

What do your spent cases look like? Do you load your own rounds? I believe that the Rugers are all piston driven, so I'd say from this angle that the pieces are coming from your BCG or your cartridges. If it's a piston rifle, then you shouldn't see caked up burnt powder.


New member
Nice rifle.

What do your spent cases look like? Do you load your own rounds? I believe that the Rugers are all piston driven, so I'd say from this angle that the pieces are coming from your BCG or your cartridges. If it's a piston rifle, then you shouldn't see caked up burnt powder.

Thank you! They look fine and undamaged. I was shooting mostly Federal .308 match grade in 168 grain BTHP.

This rifle is gas piston impingement, and this is also why I am confused. The BCG was basically clean after 200 round of high pressure ammo.


New member
I would take one of the pieces and try to squeeze it with pliers

If it is lead, it will deform. (There is no lead in a BCG)

If it is lead, it didnt come from your rifle

If it is steel, you may have a problem. I would look closely in detail at the
BCG and reciever area for something that looks out of place or broken off.

But..... I have no idea how it would do it, but I would also change AMMO immediately. Maybe some lead shot was somehow in a cartridge under the bullet with the powder?

Having loose metal pieces floating around may cause a expensive and dangerous condition

Good luck.... but you should get this figured out


New member
I would take one of the pieces and try to squeeze it with pliers

If it is lead, it will deform. (There is no lead in a BCG)

If it is lead, it didnt come from your rifle

If it is steel, you may have a problem. I would look closely in detail at the

BCG and reciever area for something that looks out of place or broken off.

But..... I have no idea how it would do it, but I would also change AMMO immediately. Maybe some lead shot was somehow in a cartridge under the bullet with the powder?

Having loose metal pieces floating around may cause a expensive and dangerous condition

Good luck.... but you should get this figured out

I'm an idiot. I threw away the pieces. :( I am almost certain they were lead.


New member
slim 9300
I was shooting mostly Federal .308 match grade in 168 grain BTHP

Sorry, now I have nothing. I was hoping you'd say something crazy like "I cast my own bullets" and that might explain how lead might be being introduced in that amount to the chamber/lugs area which wouldn't explain completely how it's migrating back to your BCG.

I think that dean1818 has the best advice for a test plan. It's a bummer that you don't still have the pieces. You should probably tear down the BCG and start looking over the entire mechanism to make sure that pieces have started flaking or pitting.


New member
I'm having a hard time seeing the pictures clearly on my phone, but is it possible those are blown primers or pieces of blown primers? Even though you threw them away, it should be pretty apparent if you still have your spent brass.


New member
Could it be coming out of the buffer?

The pieces were trapped inside the bolt of the BCG. When I pulled the pin and removed the bolt, that is when they fell out.

And I left the brass. Next time I won't be leaving it and I'll be checking all of them. But if it is blowing the primers, is it possible they could get inside the bolt?


New member
I'm having a hard time seeing the pictures clearly on my phone, but is it possible those are blown primers or pieces of blown primers? Even though you threw them away, it should be pretty apparent if you still have your spent brass.

I can email them to you or anyone if you want to PM me. The lead looking pieces are very clear to see in the original pictures. They look like round balls with a hole in the middle. Thank you for your help!
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New member
slim 9300

Sorry, now I have nothing. I was hoping you'd say something crazy like "I cast my own bullets" and that might explain how lead might be being introduced in that amount to the chamber/lugs area which wouldn't explain completely how it's migrating back to your BCG.

I think that dean1818 has the best advice for a test plan. It's a bummer that you don't still have the pieces. You should probably tear down the BCG and start looking over the entire mechanism to make sure that pieces have started flaking or pitting.


It's okay. Thank you for the help! The thing is, the BCG is chromed and shows no damage. There is no way it's from the degradation of the bolt or BCG from what I can see.


New member
I just looked at the pics on my tablet and it looks like those might be primer pieces. Pierced primers can be an ammo issue (more likely if they're reloads), it could be a headspace issue, or you could have an out-of-spec firing pin.

Check your brass; I'll bet some of the primers have a hole in the the middle.


New member
They don't look like pierced primers to me

Question 1

I assume the gun is new. Did you detail strip and lube before shooting the first time?

I would detail strip and look the whole area over closely

Then....... if all seems good

I would change ammo

Reassemble and lube

Shoot ONE bullet

Tear down the gun

Look for again for the "pieces"

Repeat 2-3 times

if you dont see it, you are probably GTG

This stuff could have been in the gun when it was shipped to you.

This one is a bit wierd

I am no expert but that what I would do