Lead Hardness


New member
Lead and lead alloy is usually measured with the Brinell scale. It is just a scale to compare different materials. Pure lead is 5, super hard heat treated lead alloy can be as hard as about 30. Typical cast commercial handgun bullets run 11-18, and are a lot harder than they need to be unless you are looking for magnum velocity. The quality of the lube used on a lead bullet has much more effect on leading of the barrel than bullet hardness.

You can do a web search on Brinell hardness and find ratings of various materials that you might be more familiar with.

Paul B.

New member
SAECO makes a lead hardness tester as does LBT. I have the LBT and it works OK. I don't know what they cost as it came with a big batch of bullet casting stuff I bought as a package deal at a gun show. The SAECO is a bit pricey from what I understand, but is also quite accurate. You might find it at Midway or one of the other places that specialize in reloading and shooting stuff.
Paul B.

Paul Fitz Jones

New member
The California Saeco Lead Hardness Tester

I have made a thousand of the 1970 patent California Saeco Lead hardness Testers and have sold 999 of them.

They are made of Burnished Steel of the original patent and measure from 0 for pure lead to 10 for good linotype.

Tire weights vary from 5.5 to 6 and recently with lead being more expensive there is less lead in tire weights making them harder.

Since the Ca-Saeco owner died in 1979 the company has been in several hands with a drastic reduction in the quality of the original products as the original pots, molds and basically everything was made to last a lifetime.

Currently the tester is being made of aluminum by the current Redding company.

Anyone having questions about the original Saeco company and how to recognize the original products can contact me.

Thanks Paul Fitz Jones

Paul Fitz Jones

New member
The California Saeco Lead Hardness Tester

I have made a thousand of the 1970 patent California Saeco Lead hardness Testers and have sold 999 of them. I am keping my own.

They are made of Burnished Steel of the original patent and measure from 0 for pure lead to 10 for good linotype.

Tire weights vary from 5.5 to 6 and recently with lead being more expensive there is less lead in tire weights making them harder.

Since the Ca-Saeco owner died in 1979 the company has been in several hands with a drastic reduction in the quality of the original products as the original pots, molds and basically everything was made to last a lifetime.

Nowadays every company that made lifetime products is out of business when their owners retire or pass away as todays products are made cheaply to wear out so they can be sold again and again.

Currently the tester is being made of aluminum by the current Redding company.
