LCP out, Colt Mustang in.

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New member
I thought the LCP would be a great little pocket gun. However, for me at least, it was painful to shoot and the sights were not the best. I took my new Colt Mustang Pocketlite to the range yesterday. Shot a box of shells without a hiccup. Very accurate and comfortable to shoot. The "real sights" are dead on target. It fits the Talon leather pocket holster I bought for my LCP. I'm a happy camper...:D


New member
Similar experience about a month ago. I swapped my LCP (+cash) for a very good used Colt Mustang (1986 vintage). The Mustang is fun to shoot, the LCP was a fine gun, but for me hardly fun to shoot. The LCP was more of a safe queen that the Mustang will be.


New member
I also like my Mustang (and the Sig P238) better than my LCP but I carry the LCP a lot in the summer because it is lighter. See rule 1 below.


New member
Tell them you heard this 1st on TFL

1st) Glad to hear you are happy w/ your new pony. Now for the news....

When the 'C' in CCW is emphasized and you go thru a 1,000 round 3 day class on the do and don'ts with CCWs...then maybe you may re-re-consider the LCP9. By the way, I was complaining about its trigger too but the rest of package is top notch.

When I saw Hickok45 shooting one on YT problem free I had to check my orginal evaluation. Those .380 Colts sure are fun.


New member
I love my LCP and nothing conceals better or is more reliable, but if you are going to ditch your Ruger, that is a good gun to do it for.
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