LCP loading issues


New member
I recently picked up a used LCP with crimson trace package. The gun appeared to be in good condition. I actually have not had a chance to shoot the gun yet as none of the local guns dealers have .380 target loads in stock. I did pick up some hydra-shocks so that I could use the gun for pocket carry. I loaded up a mag and racked the slide to chamber the first round and it didn't feed properly. I thought it maybe needed more force so I tried it again making sure I performed a hard rack. Same problem. I then locked the slide back and loaded a magazine then released the slide lock. The round then loaded correctly.

So my question is, are loading issues typical with LCP's? Is this likely worsened by using the hollow point hydrashock? I guess Ill be able to narrow down if its ammo related when I get hold of some fmj loads.

I will tear the gun down and perform a thorough detail and cleaning this weekend to see if that helps.

Just wondering if anyone else has had problems with their LCP.

lee n. field

New member
I loaded up a mag and racked the slide to chamber the first round and it didn't feed properly.

did you ease the slide down, or just let the recoil spring push it forward (like it's designed for)?


New member
Now I'm wondering if the issue might be related to the mag. The rounds seem to chamber fine if there is only. Single round in the mag. They don't chamber properly when the mag is full. Also of note is that the mag is a little sloppy when inserted into the gun. Not sure if that means anything but its worth noting. I've had plenty of other guns with mags that seem to have a little slop in them but never caused problems.


New member
My LCPs are a little finicky about certain hollow point loads. Try several and see which one feeds best. Mine didn't like the Winchester HP ammo but did feed the PMC HPs and Hornady CD loads.


New member
It won't load properly from slide lock. My lcp can be finicky about hand cycling but never had a jam while shooting. Seat the mag, pull the slide back and release in one motion. Do not pull it back and hold it, then release. You may want to try only loading one round in the mag initially.


New member
Seat the mag, pull the slide back and release in one motion. Do not pull it back and hold it, then release..

That's how I do it. I never hold the slide back before release. I use one swift motion.

As I stated above, everything seems to work fine if there is only 1 round in the mag. Where thing go wrong is when the mag is full.


New member
I have the same problem

I have had the same problem and now feel more secure using full metal jacket rounds knowing that it will not jam after the first shot.

Lemmon from Rural South Carolina.


New member
If it loads fine from slide lock, I'd just do that.

In order to get my XDS to load I either had to pull the slide back fast and HARD, or I could use the slide release. So, I used the slide release.

I'm guessing the diminutive size of the LCP makes it easy to short stroke the slide - even if it's just by a hair. But if the slide release works I wouldn't worry about it.


New member
I find that mine does not like certain hollow points. Loads Hornady CD fine, chokes on Buffalo Bore. Standard FMJ loads and runs fine.


New member
I just fired a couple mags of the hydrashocks using the slide lock release. No problems but it was only 12 rounds. I will shoot the rest of these loads and choose a hollow point that has a smaller aperature or a more rounded point. Or maybe even use ball points to reduce the risk of misloading.

As for the gun, it certainly is a snappy little devil.


New member
My Elsie Pea has never had a feeding problem with Speer Gold Dot, Remington Golden Saber, Winchester PDX1 hollow points, and my carry choice Hornady Critical Defense. It has also never malfunctioned with Winchester USA, or Remington UMC fmj loads. I don't think I've tried any Federal ammo though.
Either using the slide lock release, or "slingshoting" the first round from a full mag has always worked.
It now has somewhere around 500-800 rounds through it.


New member
t won't load properly from slide lock. My lcp can be finicky about hand cycling but never had a jam while shooting

This ^ is exactly right.

When you get a chance, shoot the ammo and see if you have any issues. My LCP has ate everything I've ever thrown at it buy the way.