LCP II Has Arrived


New member
should be offered in 32acp as a lower recoil, easier shooting piece.

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It's not ugly enough. I don't like it.

The trend now, especially with Ruger, is to make each new gun uglier than the next.


lee n. field

New member
What are your thoughts?

Ahh, that's why they discounted the original LCP so heavily.

Better sights and a slide hold open -- good. Guts look very similar to the LCP (not a striker fired gun) -- good.

Resculpting the grip, trigger safety thing, -- "meh".


New member
I like the last round hold open. I will reserve judgement on the new trigger till I try it. The looks don't bother me a bit. I don't think my old one is all that pretty, especially after being beat up in my pocket for a while now. These are not bar-be-que guns guys. They are not designed to be pretty, just to work every time at a reasonable price. Ruger does that better than anyone in my opinion. I will be interested to see what they sell for. My guess is they'll sell a bunch of them.


New member
Just picked up a LCP Custom for $220, added a Hogue wrap and Desantis pocket holster, love it. If I could change anything I wish then trigger was anodized black not red.

The new one is ass ugly. Has no advantage over the current custom except for the last round hold open which IMO who cares on a SD pistol.

Seems like they made it new just to make it new.

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New member
Wow, best in class on the day it was released...

Seriously, though...they took a product that would normally be considered targeted (pun intended) at the cc market with smooth contours and replaced it with an ugly, jagged edged product? couldn't they have upgraded the "deficient" areas without downgrading the good characteristics?


New member
Trigger could be a good improvement but I like my first gem just fine. While not aesthetically pleasing most of the improvements are sensible. It's not a fashion show.


New member
1. I don't see where it is ugly. Not any more than any other Fantastic Plastic pistol offered today.
2. I haven't worn out my Gen 1 yet.


New member
I like it. Like Lee N Field said, explains why the LCP has been discounted so steeply. Whitaker Guns is selling them for $179.


New member
Who cares what it looks like? It's a pocket pistol.

The nice feature is hold open. If I was in the market for a pocket pistol I would be interested.

But I'm probably not going to replace my LCP.


New member
I like it too. Most complaints about LCPs over the years have been about the trigger, though the gen 2 LCPs were much better, and no last round hold open. It appears Ruger has been listening.