Lawyer's name to keep in my pocket... ?

Zak Smith

New member
Just about everyone I have spoken to or read books by, has said that if you are ever in a situation where you have to use a firearm in self-defense, you should always speak to "your lawyer" as soon as possible, and definitely before being questioned by police.

I want to find a lawyer for this contingency
that either specializes or has experience in self-defense cases, and has interest in CCW law. I live in northern Colorado. Does anyone know of such a person in this general area (CO.)?



New member
join the 2nd amendment foundation and they have a list of gun friendly lawyers in the region. i am working with one as i post this to see if he is interested in being "on call" if the need arises, will e-m you if it works out.


jimc, does the 2nd amendment foundation have a website? how does one go about joining? do they lists of lawyers throughout the country that specialize/have experience in defending law-abiding citizens or only in certain regions?