Moderator Emeritus
Staff has heard from him....not to speak for him; my impression is that he is doing well, considering.
He has even poked his nose in as a Moderator :)
We'll have him back, feisty as ever

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!

Jim V

New member
Question #2: Have we heard anything re: Gale McMillen in the last few days?

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"


New member
LawDog is doing better, however, 10-15 minutes on the computer gives him huge headaches. (Doctor said from the concussion).
Just keep praying for him as y'all have, and hopefully he'll be back to "normal" real soon.


New member
Yeah, Lawdog is on his way back and still in our prayers. I, and my cubs are thrilled by his progress. Mr. McMillan has a card to be signed by all here on TFL. As an alternative suggestion to the commercial card, those who have children, and members here have a great herd of wonderful kids; ask them to make the card. Explain the situation to them. If you have ever been down and got a homemade boost from a little guy, you know what I mean. Just a thought.


Staff Emeritus
I'm here. Little grouchy, but present.

During the whole hoo-hah over my head, we kinda missed my left shoulder, but I'm seeing an orthopedics (spelling?) guy next week, so I'll see if we can get it to working right again.

I'm also slated to see a plastic surgeon, but we're thinking that he won't have much intervention to do.

I'm able to stay on the 'puter for longer periods before getting a headache.

Again, thanks to all my friends here at TFL!!



New member
Gosh I love seeing your name on here, Ian!! :D Glad to hear you can be here for longer periods of time...yay for us!

Sorry about the shoulder...and about the grouchies...hopefully both will be better soon! ;)