Latest NRA-ILA Fax Alert 2/1/02 (CFR up for Vote Soon)


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The McCain-Feingold/Shays-Meehan campaign finance "reform" bills (S. 27 and H.R. 2356, respectively) are poised for action in the very near future. Last week, proponents of the House of Representatives` version of this legislative assault on the First Amendment attained the 218 signatures needed on a discharge petition for H.R. 2356.

And this week, House Majority Leader Dick Armey (R-Tex.) indicated that the bill would be brought up for consideration by the full House very soon. Although the House already considered campaign finance "reform" last year-rejecting the proposal-backers of the Shays-Meehan package were able to convince 218 U.S. Representatives to sign their petition.

Armey remains opposed to H.R. 2356, predicting that its passage would result in "a substantial reduction in First Amendment rights across the country," according to "Regulation, Law & Economics," a publication of the Bureau of National Affairs, Inc. While Rep. Armey is working on an alternative bill, he stated opponents of H.R. 2356 would not "stand in the way" of the House rules governing the discharge petition.

NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre, in an interview with Fox News`s Neil Cavuto, said that if H.R. 2356 should pass, "I`m afraid we`re going to lose the First Amendment. The First Amendment protects press, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of assembly and freedom of petition. And what they are doing here in this so-called campaign finance bill cuts to the heart of the First Amendment."

LaPierre went on to explain, "I`m saying that what this bill does in its purest form is it gives the media conglomerates with all their billions of dollars and the politicians free run of the political system and freezes everyone else out. And that`s not America."

Please contact your U.S. Representative once again at (202) 225-3121, and urge him to oppose H.R. 2356. For those on the Internet, you can also find contact information by using the "Write Your Reps" feature at Be sure to tell your Representatives that we hold all of the Constitution to be inviolate-including the First and the Second Amendments!


ARIZONA: The Senate Judiciary Committee will meet on Tuesday, February 5, at 1:30 p.m., in Senate Hearing Room 1 to consider two firearm-related bills. SB 1128 seeks to require background checks on all firearms transferred at gun shows, and would threaten felony prosecution of private citizens (not licensed dealers) who transfer their personal property (firearms) at any gathering of firearm collectors or enthusiasts without first obtaining government approval. SB 1174 seeks to mandate that firearms in the home be kept locked up. Contact the members of the Senate Judiciary Committee at (602) 542-3559 and ask them to oppose SB 1128 and SB 1174.

COLORADO: SB 60, sponsored by Sen. Ken Chlouber (R-4), seeks to establish a uniform Right to Carry permit system in Colorado. SB 60 is expected to be considered by the Senate Judiciary Committee soon. Contact the Senate Leadership (Senators Matsunaka, Perlmutter, Thiebaut, and Phillips) and urge them to support this bill. The Senate information number is (303) 866-2316.

MICHIGAN: HB 5026, a bill that seeks to remove many of the onerous restrictions on the transportation of pistols, passed the Senate on a resounding 32-0 vote. This bill now heads back to the House, where passage is expected. Please call your Representative at (517) 373-0135 to urge them to vote for HB 5026.

MINNESOTA: A vote in the Senate could occur any day on the "Personal Protection Act." This bill will standardize the Right to Carry permit process throughout the state, giving law-abiding citizens the ability to obtain a carry permit to protect themselves and their families while outside the home. It is important to contact your Senator at (651) 296-0504 today, because this battle is far from over. Senate Majority Leader Roger Moe (D-2) has once again vowed to stop any bill that will help law-abiding gun owners exercise their Second Amendment right. Call today! MISSOURI: HB 1344, sponsored by Rep. Wayne Crump (D-152), that seeks to allow the transportation of concealable firearms in motor vehicles, will come before the Special Committee on Sportsmanship, Safety, & Firearms next week. Contact the committee at (573) 751-3659 and urge them to vote for this bill.

NEW MEXICO: Two NRA-supported shooting range protection bills-HB 112, sponsored by Rep. Larry Larranaga (R-27), and SB 275, sponsored by Sen. Bill Griego (D-39)-have passed the House Government and Urban Affairs and Senate Conservation Committees, respectively. HB 112 now moves to the House Judiciary Committee for consideration next week, and SB 275 will be heard in the Senate Judiciary Committee, also next week. Please call your State Representative at (505) 986-4751, and your State Senator at (505) 986-4714, and urge them to support HB 112 and SB 275.

VIRGINIA: SB 228, a bill that seeks to streamline the process for out-of-state Right to Carry permit recognition, passed the Senate on Tuesday, January 29, on a strong 37-3 vote. This bill will move to the House in early February, where passage is expected. Call your Delegate at (804) 786-2369 to remind them to vote "Yes" on SB 228.

WASHINGTON: For the first time since 1994, gun control bills are being pushed through committees and heading for floor votes. HB 1604 and Senate Bills 6239, 6273, and 6699 all seek to add new restrictions on where lawful Right to Carry permit holders may carry their personal protection firearms. HB 1604 passed out of the House Criminal Justice & Corrections Committee this week and could come up on the House floor for a vote any time. SB 6699 is scheduled to be heard in the Senate Higher Education Committee on Monday, February 4. SB 6239 and SB 6273 have been heard, and are pending a vote in the Senate Judiciary Committee. In addition, SB 6689 is "Washington Ceasefire`s" Gun Show bill, which seeks to impose registration, waiting periods, and fees on private firearm transactions. SB 6689 is scheduled to be heard in the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday, February 7. There are also a host of "anti-terrorism" and "civil disorder" bills that could impact the rights of law-abiding gun owners. Use the toll-free Legislative Hotline (800/562-6000) to contact your elected officials immediately and urge them to oppose these and any other gun-related bills which might come up. [END]