Latest Mall Ninja special???


New member

What exactly is a barrel stabilizer?? Do shotgun barrels require stabilization??



New member
Well it's the stupid thing on the end I'm trying to figure out. :confused:

Is this to target the 15 year olds who saw "No Country For Old Men" and just have to have a shotgun with a fake silencer on it??


New member
shotgun barrel stabilizer


Up until now, none of mine had never SEEN a shotgun barrel stabilizer!

Please delete the picture before they get any ideas.

<too late; I hear grumblings & mutterings from the gunsafe>:mad:



New member
The sad thing is that they've prolly sold hundreds already to people that don't know any better. And someone might even post about it here thinking they just got the greatest "tactical" shotgun accessory ever.


New member
I'm a practical guy, somebody splain this to me before my head explodes from trying to figure it out.

I get the whole breacher barrel thing, even though most of the folks buying them will probably never breach a door, but this is just :barf:


New member
It's not pretty,but....

you can bet it IS endorsed by Barack....part of the kinder,gentler image he'd like us to display.It's held in place by quick-setting plaster of paris,extended down the barrel as far as the firing pin.Since it's soft rubber,you can use the gun as a club if your home is overrun by bad people....



New member
Now that's funny. Best explanation I've heard so far.

Imagine a room full of Mossberg marketing and design people:

"OK so we've got this new silencer looking thing we can bolt on to the barrel to attract all the mall ninjas."

"They'll sell by the truckload"

"OK so what do we call this silencer looking thing on the end"

"We can't call it a silencer, mall ninjas don't want to pay the transfer tax"

"We can't call it a fake silencer, because the fake qualifier takes the tacticool rating of the gun down by 54 points in our market research study"

"So what are we gonna call this B---S---??"

"BS, Barrel Stub? No, Bolt on Scrap? No, too honest, Barrel Stabilizer??, Ding ding we have a winner......."


Staff In Memoriam
In theory it will act like a hugegantic muzzle brake but it will also have hugegantic excess noise for the shooter too... It is also a good way to lose the use of your bead sight too...:eek: But we all know you ain't gotta aim a "showty shotty".


New member
Great idea, take a compact shotgun...and make it longer, genius.:rolleyes: As already stated, the Mall Ninjas will be lining up for it though.:barf:

BS describes the folks who buy this...Barely Sane.


It's understandable that civies such as yourselves do not understand the delicate harmonic balancing required for precision shotgun work. Make no mistake, these stabilizers can be dangerous upgrades in the wrong hands, transforming a harmless 12 guage shotgun into an instrument of lethal efficiency.

I recently confiscated two of these from Guatemalan gangbangers running an illegal weapons market behind the OJ in my retail environment. It was a good thing that an operator found them, because they really could have done some damage if the local muni-police had intervened.

Interestingly, there were a number of neo-Nazis in the immediate vicinity when I took the gangbangers down. Perhaps the aryan-nation types are gearing for something major.