Latest American Rifleman Magazine


New member
OK folks, I need a little help. I inadvertly thew the lastest (July) copy of AR in the trash. :mad: There is an article on a loop lever action carbine in the Dope Bag section.
Will some kind soul tell me the manufacturer and the website? It caught my eye and I'd like to do some research. Thanks in advance...............



I used to like large loop leverguns, the theory being you can cycle the action with mittens on. Until you stop to think about reality.....if you have mittens on, then you can't pull the trigger, so why would you need to cycle the action? If you have gloves on instead of mittens, allowing you to fire, you can cycle a stardard sized lever just fine anyway. So I fail to see the point, though I admit I may be missing something. In any event, cool. The LSI (Rossi) Puma 92 guns are nice, definitely.


New member
The reason for the large loop is so you can whirl the carbine around to load it. Ala John Wayne in True Grit.:cool:

Only in Hollywood huh?

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A recent article

About the Rifleman's rifle, and Chuck Conners had a few interesting points, one being that it took someone of Chuck Conners size to "spin cock" the loop lever rifle with enough clearance.

And the other was that the "spin cocking" didn't work with a regular gun and ammo, the round would fall out during the spin. The rifle he used in the TV series was modified, and was safe with blanks only.

It is a visually impressive move, but pure Hollywood fiction.
i had one of these a long time ago, it was modified by P.O.Ackley, the secret to "spin cocking" and live ammo is that there was a little spring loaded flat bar that kept the cartridge from falling out, as the action was being opened the bar followed the "bolt" back and was about 1 inch long.., it sounds complicated but is a really simple operation.

P.O. Ackley modified several Winchester M-92s in the early 1960's for the movie studios, when i heard about it, i contacted him, he agreed to do mine along with the other 6 or 7 at the time, it was a 25-20 converted to .357 Mag....., COST: $85.00 !!
today that same mod might cost you about $500.00 !! or MORE !!:D