Last night


Staff Alumnus
last night was pretty bad. we got hit hard by mortar rounds. the iraqi's got lucky and nailed the ammo supply point. all the ammo (A LOT OF AMMO) cooked off and rounds, rockets, star clusters, grenades, AT4's, bombs etc from the ammo point flew everywhere.

we ran for cover in a bunker and the explosions knocked everybody all over the place. the camp looks horrible today. it was a very long night.

here's more pictures from yesterday's convoy. notice the great picture of sadam


  • sadam.jpg
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Miss Demeanors

New member
"hair" do? :p :D

Glad to hear you are safe, saw it on FOX yesterday and wondered if you were anywhere near it. Thanks for sharing the pictures with us, stay safe!


New member
Glad you are safe and truly appreciate your service! Best regards and wishes for a prompt, safe return to Pennsylvania --Roy

Dave R

New member
Thanks for the report, the pix and your service to our country. Nice to get a first-hand report. Sounds like an exciting night.


New member
Good Afternoon:
We're thinking of you over here in Michigan's Upper Peninsula.

We've had a few local soldiers come back after tours in Iraq. A couple were killed there, and a monument for one was dedicated on Memorial Day.

Thanks for your service.
and Family.

Ben Swenson

New member
Sounds like it got exciting for a bit there.

Stay safe, and let us know that you're doing well when you can spare the time.


New member
The way you got hit gives new meaning to the term, "pucker factor". Stay safe, young man, and know the American people are behind you 100%! You are in our prayers daily.

Nanaimo Barr

New member
and they say the kids these days are no good. thanks for proving them wrong, so good to know that we're not the last to do whats right and lay it on the line.

just remember to keep low dammit!


New member
On the behalf of my whole family let me say THANK YOU! Please keep safe and know that you and your buddies are in our prayers always.

I am at a support the troops rally in Rockland every Saturday from 1 to 3 with a bunch of other folks. We stand at the corner of Middletown Road and Rt.59 next to the Korean Veterans Memorial Park. Some anti-war protesters were on that that corner. Suffice it to say they are there no longer. We "moved" them across the street.

Two of my brothers, who are Vietnam Vets, noted that the pretty girls all honk the car horn for our side. The people back here support you and the lads! You guys are the greatest!!!

I don't know much about MP3s as I am not the most technically oriented person. If you and the lads need other items please let me and the gang here know.

God Bless and keep you and your buddies.


New member
I am humbled by your sense of duty and truly thank you for your service to your country. God bless all of you guys.



New member
Son - it's great to hear from someone out there ... big salute to you . and a thank you.

Oh and ..... go easy with hair shampoo and comb .... can't be too careful!! :p :D

Thx for the pics .... stay safe and keep in touch.


New member

Keep that bald head down! Who loves ya baby... ;)

If there's anything you need that i could send you = please - don't hesitate to ask.

God bless you and your brothers in arms. I will pray for you and all the others for you serve with = for a safe return.

Charlie Homrighouse - AKA - 12-34hom.