Lasik Surgery

Doc Hudson

New member
Unless there is an Opthamologist belonging to the groupo, you should consult your opthomologist.

With that said, I don't think it will help cross eye dominance.

Doc Hudson
Cross eye dominance?

Where you're left handed and the right eye is dominant?

Nope. Don't think anything short of major surgery will cure that.


Staff Alumnus
Well, I guess it was only wishful thinking on my part. When I was a young child, I was naturally left handed but my parents forced me to "be" right handed because they thought lefties "wrote" ugly. :rolleyes:

I can still do a lot of things left handed but shooting is more comfy from the right side. I'm still going to get the surgery done though because I'm tired of contacts.



New member
Choose your surgeon wisely. The best trained as refractive surgeons from the start and did not come by way of their credentials via weekend seminars. Last August I was 20/400, had Lasik, now have 20/20 and bit better and never would go back to glasses. At 49, I still have a problem seeing the fine print and have to use reading glasses. It was raining here the other day and looking up was pleasant and refreshing as raindrops touched my eyes. Snow is no longer a hassle. Wish it were around 30 years ago.


New member
I am left eyed dominant, and right handed. I also had lasik one month ago. It doesn't "correct" the dominance.

Also, I must second 2shots about choosing your surgeon wisely. Definitely shop around. And do your homework. Your eyes are not something you want to screw up. Please don't be fooled by budget lasik either. Most of the horror stories I've located were from this. A reputable surgeon is a must. Lasik isn't for everyone, and isn't a cure-all. But when it works, it really works. A friend of mine went from 20/1600 (no, I am not making this up) to about 20/30. Not perfect, but pretty close. I went from 20/400 to 20/20.

Good luck on it.

Long Path

New member
Understand there's now a new laser surgery for near-sightedness. Basically, they use a laser to harden the lens so that it doesn't bulge out of shape so much. Supposedly it's good for about 10 yrs, and is now being offered in conjunction w/lasik (for about that much again the price.).

Anyone have experience with it?