LaserLyte Laser Trainer Target System


New member
I have been considering one of these along with "LaserLyte Laser Trainer for .380 to .45 acp Caliber Pistols with Minimum 2" Barrel Red" for dry firing practice with my handguns. Source for these would be Midway.

Anyone here used one? The reviews on Midway are from cheap and flimsy pos to excellent for the purpose.

Anyone have suggestions for a competing product? Any responsed appreciated.
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New member
Arizona, Thanks!

Drawing from a holster isn't something I practice but I see from your review that was important to you. Good review.

The laser I am considering does protrude from the barrel but for my intended use I don't think that is a problem. I also like the range of calibers it will work with. Won't work with my 22 revolver but you can't have everything.

Have a great day!


New member
The option I went with certainly doesn't lend itself to being used in more than one caliber/cartridge design. As you said, it was necessary for my needs. I'll give the company credit for making available solutions that support different needs....can't go wrong that way.

I'm not sure if you are considering the target or not. Again, it is great for what I do....not sure if you would find it worth the extra expense. One thing for sure, for the price of a few batteries, you sure can get a lot of practice in.

Good luck on whatever you decide on. If you have any other questions, feel free to PM me.

Edit: I was just on the LaserLyte web site and noticed they now have the automatic reaction targets (RT). That is an addition since I was last there. I also noticed that the laser that use to fit into the barrel, which stuck out 1" ~ 2", is no longer being sold. The one you were looking at, which protrudes just a quarter inch, would work for holster work (as they now indicate). They seem to be continually refining their product line and adding new items.
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