Laser sight vs open sights


New member
Bought my nephew a .22 and the first thing is he wants a scope and I told him he will have to learn with the opens sights. Needless to say I don't think he's to happy about it. That got me thinking about people shooting all the time with a laser sight if something happened and it didn't work. Would they be able to aim with the sights on the gun and shoot accurately. People you have shot the gun before would have no problem, but what about someone who only used the laser sight:):confused:


New member
Well, if you mean someone that never shot before, picks up a gun with a laser sight, and actually practices with it, and that is key, then I bet even if the sights go out, they will be pretty accurate with the gun from a plain point and shoot perspective.

Muscle memory will get them where they need to be. Again, if they actually practice with it.

If you mean someone that shot it 2 or 3 times, then no, but same goes with open sights as well.