Laser on a LCP


New member
It's a good training aid. It helps to see how much you move the gun during dry fire drills. It is also helpful in learning instinct shooting. In my mind they have limited use in actual self defense. If you are new to handguns I will give you this advise. Don't learn to depend on something with batteries, and circuits to defend your life! Learn to shoot properly, and use the laser only as an aid to shooting.


New member
Cheapshooter take on the laser is quit good. A laser can be a good tool in very low light conditions for a well trained shooter but for most it is a rubber crutch a very poor substitute for properly learning how to use your sights and learning good trigger control.

Charlie Fox

New member
I think it detracts from the mission of the small weapon - to be hidden until needed. The more doo-dads one hangs off or builds into a gun, the less concealable it becomes.


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I over heard a person handling an LCP with a Crimson Trace in a gun store the other day. They actually called it "laser guided".


New member
I had an LCP with a laser. I since traded it away for a Keltec PF-9 with a laser. I have lasers on 4 pistols that I may have to use in a defense situation. Carry (PF-9), car (XDm-9), nightstand (Glock 17) and sofa (Glock 34).

Some people think that they are only useful in low light situations, that's flat out wrong. Here in Houston we have very bright sunny days and the only time I can't see the pointer is when the sun is direct. If a cloud is passing in front of it you can see the pointer. Indoors they make regular sight redundant and too slow.

I do use laser for training, and also train with regular sight, but you know that the LCP has terrible sights and a laser makes a tremendous difference.

I chuckle every time I see an add for night sights. That to me seems idiotic when for $80 you can get the new universal microlasers that mount onto a rail.


New member
In my opinion lasers are great as long as they are on the grip & activated when you grip the gun. If it's an extra button then that fraction of a second it takes you to turn it on may be time you don't have in a self defense situation.


New member
Lazers on any gun is just a sight- like it or not- that's what it's for. They are very good and just for the people that don't know or care, it will make you a better shooter. No matter what lever you are it WILL jump you up a notch or two right a way. Some people are just too cheap to put one on a pistol or revolver. ( They seem to be the ones that bad mouth them all the time.) Use it and it will help you. The only time it is not a help is at high noon during the summer, too much sun light for it.
Have a nice day ya all. :D


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I had a Lasermax on mine but eventually took it off. I like my LCP with nothing on it for better concealment.


New member
I too have lasers on all my small carry guns.
They help in sight acquisition and given the LCP is so short that helps. Yes, they are a real help in training.
My LCP with Crimson Trace is my most carried gun.
(I can shoot it with out the laser, too). Grip activated, easy to install, it's like it's not even there, so small.



New member
The Crimson Trace laser is at least as reliable as the gun is. It will work every time if there are good batteries in it. In my experience, the less moving parts the more reliable the device. A laser has less moving parts than a gun. It's easier to check if a laser is working than to check if a gun is loaded, and we all do that all the time. I might be biased towards the technology, because I have more experience using laser pointers than guns. I have never had a misfire, FTF, or stovepipe in 12 years of using a laser pointer, but I've had at least one of each in less than six months of using guns. People put their lives in the hands of batteries all the time -- pacemakers, cars, cell phones.

As far as accuracy, I shoot a ragged hole at 15 feet with mine. Without it I'm not even close to that level of accuracy. The factory sights on mine are quite a ways off; the gun shoots significantly low and right. It is a much better gun with the laser than without. I'm pretty sure that even if the iron sights are dead on, I'd be much accurate with a laser.

Also when people are in live fire situations they tend to focus on the threat -- not their front site. A lot as been written on this. You can see it for yourself on numerous youtube videos. I'd much, much rather have a laser than take the chance that I'll be one of the vast majority that is too stressed to even use their iron sights. I practice with iron sights all the time on my other guns, but I'm faster and more accurate when the gun has a laser.

When I first started shooting I rented a sweet 686 with a CT laser on it. I was very accurate with the laser. Not so much with the iron sights when I turned it off. Now all the old timers will say, well you're a rookie and didn't know how to use the iron sights. That's my point. The laser was much more intuitive and easier to aim than the iron sights for a novice. When my life is on the line I want something that is intuitive and easy... not hard. Many folks that have a lot more training than I do revert to focusing on the threat when under fire -- easily seen on youtube.


New member
The time I spent in the Army we spent our time training, training and then more training. The reason for so much training is that under pressure your training becomes your reflexive behavior. I have lasers on my EDC and my bug. It is part of my personal training. I shoot both iron site and laser. It's makes no sense to have an improvement to my self defense tool I won't implement. I agree with others who've said learn to shoot iron site, but I'd add make laser shooting part of your ongoing personal training.
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New member
Thanks for taking the time to explain more thoroughly.

Here's another. I've had to actually use mine once. The bad guys saw the laser pointer on his family jewels and quickly changed his mind. I didn't have to actually use my gun.


New member
I put a Lasermax on my LCP and like it for a few reasons. 1) I use it for dry fire practice. 2) I like to use it at the range as the sights are minimal on the gun. 3) I like the way it balances out the weight of the gun. Feels better in my hand. All that said, if I were in a situation where I had to defend myself, I would just point and shoot, not worrying about the laser.