Laser bullet for sighting in a rifle


New member
What I think you mean is the laser boresighters that insert into the chamber. Anyone of that type is good if it shines a laser through barrel it is just as good as any other that shines a laser though the barrel. IMO


New member
They are not needed, for me at least. Just pull the bolt out and look down the barrel to bore sight.


New member
LOL, then why bother posting in the thread?:D Hop on over to Cabelas and go thru their list, they have quite a few, read the reviews there and also places like Amazon then decide how much you wanna spend and go for it. Ultimately, you are buying a laser that shines thru the barrel, it doesn't have to have any bells and whistles.


New member
I had one made by SSI it worked ok, but I have to agree they are pretty much not needed. Unless there is something really wrong with your set up you should be on paper at 15-25yds, take one shot from a good rest, then after you do that put the rifle back in the rest, put the cross-hairs back on the exact same spot you aimed at, then very carefully without moving the rifle adjust the scope so the cross-hairs match where the bullet hit. This is the fastest(less ammo) way to get a scope sighted in. Then do the same thing at what ever your zero range will be.


New member
I would buy what ever looked decent and was cheap for this kind of devise.

Do as Warchild suggested read reviews and see how the one your looking at has held up for other folks.


New member
To make a suggestion on what research might serve him best and provide details on where he might find such information and where he might find such products.:D Don't get your feelings hurt bro, that wasn't my intention, just trying to stay relative to the topic and answer the question as it was presented and not water it down with my personal opinions that weren't asked for. Sorry for the distraction OP
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New member
To make a suggestion on what research might serve him best and provide details on where he might find such information and where he might find such products.

If that was your only intention, then you wouldn't have bothered to take valuable time out of your day to give me advice on what & what not to post.

You can bypass lasers and boresighting devices for some guns. When possible to see down the barrel in conjunction with the image in the crosshairs, you can do a manual boresight. This is not possible with all guns, like traditional muzzleloaders for example. But I thought the knowledge might be useful to the original poster.


New member
I just bought one from Sportsman's Guide. They have tons of them. But as mentioned before, after looking through bore and then using the laser I was already on. Not needed.

It is faster then looking through the bore method though.

They all seem good. I bought one brand and my brother bought another. Both work fine.


New member
Again, my apologies if I offended you, it was not my intention, the OP asked what brand to buy, not whether to buy one or not. Let's not hijack the gentleman's thread and get back on point. I agree with you that the cheapest and most simplistic way is to remove the bolt and look down the barrel, worked for many of years before lasers came around. If the OP is seriously considering one though, plenty to be found at the sites mentioned above with user reviews to help you decide, real opinions on specific models from people that have actually had the product in hand.


New member
hey buddy, I would'nt waste your money on one of them. I bought one from cabeleas bout 6 months ago, got it home measured out 100 yards an I did everything It was one inch an a half up so at 200 yards it zeroed in. so I go to the field, nice 9 pointer walks out bout 150 yards BANG!!!! MISSSED. So I thought It was me so I got upset at myself an moved to another spot . Nice beautiful 12 pointer walks out he is maybe 100 yard in or less I have a perfect shot, BANG!! MISS.. so at this point im ready to break the gun an throw everything I own. I leave head home an shot my gun to figure out why i Am soo Off with these deer put a target at 25 50 an 100 yards shot at the 50 miss, shot at the 25, hit at the barcode ( bottom left side of target) An i do have a bench vice on my gun, so It is solid an aint moving.So My gun was perfect center with the laser, so I hadda resight the whole gun the ol' way an easy way! my opinoin dont buy one!

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Using the laser merely gets you on the paper. It doesn't mean that the rifle is actually sighted in. You still have to do the sight-in shooting after you know you're on the paper.

THEN go play with Bambi.

Basically: Set up target at 25 yards, turn on laser, adjust scope. Shoot to check point of impact (POI). Adjust scope as necessary. Then shoot at 100 yards; dead center at 25 means you're usually within three inches or so at 100. Adjust group centers as needed. I sight in most deer cartridges for 2" high at 100 yards, which usually is right at dead on at 200 and maybe six inches low at 300.


New member
Agree on the laser just getting you on paper. No laser or bore sighting method can put you on zero. You must shoot the rifle to get it sighted in.


New member
hey buddy, I would'nt waste your money on one of them. I bought one from cabeleas bout 6 months ago, got it home measured out 100 yards an I did everything It was one inch an a half up so at 200 yards it zeroed in. so I go to the field, nice 9 pointer walks out bout 150 yards BANG!!!! MISSSED. So I thought It was me so I got upset at myself an moved to another spot . Nice beautiful 12 pointer walks out he is maybe 100 yard in or less I have a perfect shot, BANG!! MISS.. so at this point im ready to break the gun an throw everything I own. I leave head home an shot my gun to figure out why i Am soo Off with these deer put a target at 25 50 an 100 yards shot at the 50 miss, shot at the 25, hit at the barcode ( bottom left side of target) An i do have a bench vice on my gun, so It is solid an aint moving.So My gun was perfect center with the laser, so I hadda resight the whole gun the ol' way an easy way! my opinoin dont buy one!



New member
I bought a cheap one and it didn't work, so returned it and got a Site-Lite. It works very well, but as others said already, it's just to get you on paper, then you have to adjust from there.

Once properly sighted-in, you should again insert the bore sighter at home and mark where the dot is in relation to the crosshairs. I set the rifle in a vise with the crosshairs on a cross provided with the unit, then take a ruler and measure where the spot is in relation to the cross. If the rifle is bumped, I can then quickly check the zero. The crosshairs are usually about 3/4" higher than the laser dot at 50 feet, but that's for centerfire rifles with free-floating barrels. (It didn't apply to a particular Rem 742 I tried.)

I've bore-sighted close to a thousand rifles over the years, but after getting one, feel that laser bore sighters are worth their weight in gold, especially when it comes to bore-sighting auto-loaders. Mirrors just don't cut it.


New member
hey buddy, I would'nt waste your money on one of them. I bought one from cabeleas bout 6 months ago, got it home measured out 100 yards an I did everything It was one inch an a half up so at 200 yards it zeroed in. so I go to the field, nice 9 pointer walks out bout 150 yards BANG!!!! MISSSED. So I thought It was me so I got upset at myself an moved to another spot . Nice beautiful 12 pointer walks out he is maybe 100 yard in or less I have a perfect shot, BANG!! MISS.. so at this point im ready to break the gun an throw everything I own. I leave head home an shot my gun to figure out why i Am soo Off with these deer put a target at 25 50 an 100 yards shot at the 50 miss, shot at the 25, hit at the barcode ( bottom left side of target) An i do have a bench vice on my gun, so It is solid an aint moving.So My gun was perfect center with the laser, so I hadda resight the whole gun the ol' way an easy way! my opinoin dont buy one!

:eek:...:rolleyes:...:eek: Are you serious? Thanks for the laughs I needed that:)