Larry King interviewed Christopher Reeve


New member
Did anybody see this last night?! They're talking about funding to help cure paralysis and Larry asks Christopher Reeve (I'm paraphrasing, as I don't have the transcript):

LK: Did you go to the Republican National Convention?

CR: No I did not.

LK: Did they not welcome you?

CR: Oh no, It's been a very bipartisan effort in Congress.... etc...

a few minutes later we find out:

CR: I just couldn't make it to Philadelphia, the trip was just too far for me.

So Larry King, on National TV is trying to lead Christopher Reeve to say that the Republicans don't care about his plight and make them out to be mean spirited etc... I hate Larry King, of course Geraldo is worse. The only reason I was watching is because I heard CNN was the channel playing that pro-RKBA commercial where they strip the flag. I missed it, does anyone know when it has been playing?


New member
The gun industry ads have been running about twice an evening during the convention. Very good, although the meaning is likely lost on the Democrats.

You're right about Larry King. He's a shill for the Clintons, and he is downright weird.
Let's face it: anyone who's been married seven times has some serious social problems.

Want to send a message to Bush? Sign the petition at and forward the link to every gun owner you know.


New member
You can find it, the commercial, at the NSSF web site. Very good, but lost on the Demo's and mentioned above.


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by ds1973:
Did anybody see this last night?! They're talking about funding to help cure paralysis and Larry asks Christopher Reeve (I'm paraphrasing, as I don't have the transcript):

LK: Did you go to the Republican National Convention?

CR: No I did not.

LK: Did they not welcome you?

CR: Oh no, It's been a very bipartisan effort in Congress.... etc...

a few minutes later we find out:

CR: I just couldn't make it to Philadelphia, the trip was just too far for me.

So Larry King, on National TV is trying to lead Christopher Reeve to say that the Republicans don't care about his plight and make them out to be mean spirited etc... I hate Larry King, of course Geraldo is worse. The only reason I was watching is because I heard CNN was the channel playing that pro-RKBA commercial where they strip the flag. I missed it, does anyone know when it has been playing?

Futo Inu

New member
Christopher reeves has done a LOT of bad-mouthing the NRA in the past - he is very anti-gun. Just FYI. Someone should explain that his horse has harmed more people than my guns.

Jay Baker

New member
Futo Ino, you are 100% correct. Reeves is a super gun grabber who hates, loathes and despises the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, just as his Marxist teachers and comrades in Hollywood taught him to be.



New member
I thought he was impervious to bullets? Oh, never mind, just special effects.

The first step is registration, the second step is confiscation, the final step is subjugation.