Larry Craig Resigns


New member
I'm taking excerpts

CNN: Well-placed GOP sources: Craig likely to quit soon

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Several well-placed GOP sources in Washington and Idaho have told CNN that embattled Republican Sen. Larry Craig is likely to resign soon, possibly as early as Friday.


In a post-arrest police recording released Thursday, Craig denied that he was trying to engage in lewd behavior in the airport bathroom and suggested he was entrapped by the arresting officer.

"I sit down to go to the bathroom, and you said our feet bumped," Craig told an officer. "I believe they did ... because I reached down and scooted over and the next thing I knew, under the bathroom divider comes a card that says 'police.' "

Craig said he was in the bathroom for its intended purpose and told the officers,"I am not gay. I don't do these kinds of things."

"You shouldn't be out to entrap people either," Craig said.

The officer accused Craig of lying during the contentious, eight-minute session, and said he would not take the senator to jail "as long as you're cooperative."

"I'm just disappointed in you, sir," the officer said. "I mean, people vote for you."

Craig spokesman Dan Whiting said Thursday the tape "speaks for itself."


Craig told reporters Tuesday he did not take part in "inappropriate conduct" and said he had "overreacted and made a poor decision" in pleading guilty. No sexual contact is alleged to have taken place, although the officer who arrested the senator said Craig moved his foot to touch the officer's foot while they sat in adjoining restroom stalls.

Craig is a three-term senator who has aligned himself with conservative groups that oppose gay rights.

Earlier Thursday, Sen. John Ensign, who heads the Republican senatorial campaign committee, joined the list of people putting Craig under increasing pressure to resign[...]

"I wouldn't put myself, hopefully, in that kind of position, but if I was in a position like that, that's what I would do," he told AP.

At least three other key Republicans in Congress have called for Craig's resignation, and the senator's support in his home state of Idaho apparently has declined.

Idaho Gov. C.L. "Butch" Otter on Thursday declined to say whether Craig should step down[...]

Meanwhile, a SurveyUSA poll showed that 55 percent of Idaho respondents think Craig should step down. The poll of 475 registered Idaho voters was conducted Tuesday. Thirty-four percent of the 475 respondents said Craig should remain in office.

The Idaho Statesman -- a newspaper the senator has accused of conducting a "witch hunt" -- was frank in calling for his resignation.

"We cannot abide an elected official who didn't disclose a lewd conduct arrest until the story broke 77 days later -- a lie by omission and a violation of the public trust," the Statesman said in an editorial published in Thursday's editions. "We cannot afford ... to have a senator who merely provides fodder for bloggers and late-night talk show hosts."


Craig, 62 and married, has stepped down from his role in the presidential campaign of Republican Mitt Romney.

My thoughts:

Larry Craig said:
I am not gay. I don't do these kinds of things.

I say this has got to be the most telling thing Larry Craig has ever said. The not-so-subtle subtlety! Implying that "these kinds of things" are only done by gay people. Reading between these lines, I can honestly see how nobody has any sympathy. I'm not trying to bring up sexualities into this thread; I'm saying that you would have to be pretty stupid to alienate large numbers of your voters, unnecessarily.

Craig did bring up the subject of "entrapment" that I mentioned in the other Craig thread. But now I find out that there's a tape. I wanna hear it. I mean, I don't, but I do.

The Idaho Stateman did put it best though, he has thoroughly disgraced himself, both in his conduct before and after the arrest. Additionally, why would you go and attack ("witch hunt") your state's newspaper? That's a guarenteed way to make sure that all your constituents get the maximum saturation of bad press as possible.

While it's a sad, sad shame that our elected officials can and do act as such, I am glad to see that there still exists accountability. Hopefully, the RNC will punish and remove Larry Craig in such a decisive manner that the core base won't be left alienated. Lastly, I wonder how this scandal will affect, if at all, romney's campaign.

Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
A little premature, but I suspect before I get back home for lunch today, Craig will have resigned.

There's an Article on CNN that details the officer who arrested Craig. Don't have the URL handy, but apparently, this officer uses the utmost discretion in dealing with this things. I'll post the URL when I get back for Lunch, if no one else hasn't.

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
Craig, if he does resign, should for his duplicity.

However, I would suggest the GOP rethink its views on sexuality. A person's sexual orientation is irrelevant to the real issues of importance.

Craig, I take it, was a strong supporter of the RKBA. If he didn't get into legal trouble and was honest about his sexuality, I wouldn't give a damn about it.

One problem I would have voting for the GOP is that they have almost a Taliban like view of personal liberties on matters that are not their business.

The RKBA would be better supported if such antiquated attitudes were re-examined and then abandoned.


New member
There's an Article on CNN that details the officer who arrested Craig. Don't have the URL handy, but apparently, this officer uses the utmost discretion in dealing with this things. I'll post the URL when I get back for Lunch, if no one else hasn't.

It would seem so. Based both on the account in the report (how he was dealt with on-scene) and the fact that it went this long without coming out I'd say the officer involved must be incredibly discrete. Which, IMO, takes away from a lot of the claims I've heard elsewhere that such enforcement is simply meant to harass a certain segment of the population.

Out of curiosity, do you know how this ended up coming out? Was it leaked from the authorities in Minneapolis, did somebody just go digging, or do we not know?

Craig, I take it, was a strong supporter of the RKBA.

Luckily, as was discussed in the previous thread, it's highly likely that his replacement will be a Republican and an equally strong supporter of the RKBA. EDIT: The latter, of course, being more important. That sounded funny, coming from me. ;)


New member
It seems pretty subjective to me that a man's career is ended by some police officer's interpretation of body language.

But,on the other hand if you can believe what is reported,this is an out of the way bathroom known for gay solicitation where the senator would have no other apparent reason to be in that area of the airport.

I also wonder how many robberies,murders, rapes ,etc. were solved while they were busying themselves finding homosexuals in a bathroom.


He made so many telling slips in his conversation to the officer.

Including saying he always goes to that bathroom.

CRAIG: I go to that bathroom regularly.

What the hell?

Funny, do you remember what bathroom you use in an airport? I don't!



While all we have is the officer's word this doesn't seem to be an isolated incident and he did confess..even if he's claiming that confession was a lie. That's the problem with even considering confessing to a crime in hopes that the problem will go away; if he lied the first time why should be believe him the second time?

It is a shame to lose an RKBA supporter but I don't want an RKBA supporter that isn't honest with his constituents.

What the hell?

Funny, do you remember what bathroom you use in an airport? I don't!

Well, a couple times a month I fly out of the same airport on the same airline from the same terminal - and about half the time from the same gate! :p So I tend to use a particular bathroom there that I frequently walk by but I also use the same bar as well as the same wall outlet next to the gate for my laptop.

But then again this bathroom subculture is news to me so maybe I should start changing it up a bit and answer the call of nature right after I pass the screeners.

edit: and on a slightly unrelated note I've learned that flying with a firearm checked in your luggage not only gets you to the front of the line in many cases but ensures that your bag will NEVER get lost. :cool: these days I always bring one with me even if it never comes out of the case :D


New member
What the hell?

Funny, do you remember what bathroom you use in an airport? I don't!


You'd be surprised. When you're flying as much as he does, and always have a layover in the same terminal of the same airport, it wouldn't be unusual. I'm not sure how it is where you are, but I know where I am we pretty much always fly into the same terminal of either Minneapolis or Salt Lake, depending on which airline we're on. Add that he's constantly flying between the same two cities (Washington and Boise) and I'd not be surprised at that level of routine. As for bathrooms specifically, you'd figure the layover on a flight that long would be a common time for a "pit stop." So again, unsurprising.

EDIT: beat'd! :)

But,on the other hand if you can believe what is reported,this is an out of the way bathroom known for gay solicitation where the senator would have no other apparent reason to be in that area of the airport.

Not only that, but a lot of the details are particularly...interesting. The biggest to me, when combined with the other "body language," is that he waited for that stall despite the fact that it sounds as if other stalls were open. Which seems strange to begin with (if he's actually there simply to conduct business), and on a lighter note seems to fly in the face of common bathroom etiquette.

Then again, to reign in my conclusion-jumping mechanism, I don't know what the condition of the other stalls was...if you know what I mean.

Still, when you add everything in the report up it's not hard to take 2 and 2 and get at least 3.8.

I also wonder how many robberies,murders, rapes ,etc. were solved while they were busying themselves finding homosexuals in a bathroom.

At the airport? Probably not many. It was the airport police that conducted the investigation, IIRC.


New member
Okay, the other Craig thread got closed because the topic veered into discussing sexuality.

applesanity said:
I'm not trying to bring up sexualities into this thread; I'm saying that you would have to be pretty stupid to alienate large numbers of your voters, unnecessarily.

The hypocrism, the cover-up, the arrogance, and the stupidity, and the general fallout of this mess are, regardless of the L&P rules, worth more discussion.

Hopefully, the undercover guy conducted himself with the utmost respect for the law and the rights of citizens, so larry craig's "entrapment" defense can get ripped apart. I mean, I wouldn't want to find out later that a surveillance camera or secret peepholes were used as an aide in the sting.... in a bathroom.


Not only that, but a lot of the details are particularly...interesting. The biggest to me, when combined with the other "body language," is that he waited for that stall despite the fact that it sounds as if other stalls were open. Which seems strange to begin with (if he's actually there simply to conduct business), and on a lighter note seems to fly in the face of common bathroom etiquette.

Not just etiquette, but simple common sense. Who takes a stall next to someone else if others are free? You never know if the person in there just ate monster burritos for lunch and is about to generate a horrifically choking miasma of WMD complete with "oh, god, no" levels of sound effects. :barf:

Which is also just what's so disgusting about the scenario. It's a bathroom, for crying out loud. It stinks.


New member
Its obvious Senator Craig has some serious issues to resolve. Personally I do not care if he is a homosexual, Bi Sexual or a transvestite. What matters is that one have integrity, and principles. Unfortunately, Craig has neither. After listening to his speech the other day it came clear he is an arrogant, selfish and despicable man who blames others for his failings. He is a complete hypocrite who pretend to be on a moral ground when he is in the gutter. I hope he resigns soon since that will be the only honorable thing he has done lately.

I am not sure of the fall out this will have in 2008. But it will hurt the Republicans. The entire party seems to be falling apart. Very few people believe them, and none trust them. Its hard not to understand with all the lies, and deceit from members of that once great party. Hopefully they will loose big in 2008. It will be a wake up call for some serious spring cleaning in the party.


However, I would suggest the GOP rethink its views on sexuality. A person's sexual orientation is irrelevant to the real issues of importance.

Craig, I take it, was a strong supporter of the RKBA. If he didn't get into legal trouble and was honest about his sexuality, I wouldn't give a damn about it.

One problem I would have voting for the GOP is that they have almost a Taliban like view of personal liberties on matters that are not their business.

The RKBA would be better supported if such antiquated attitudes were re-examined and then abandoned.

As soon as that is done, the RKBA is secure. There are TONS of progressives out there who support the RKBA but cannot tolerate the hyp[ocrisy the GOP shows.


Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
Here's the link from CNN on the officer who arrested Craig.

Why believe them? According to the article, the Minneapolis Airport Police released prior arrest reports, by the officer to the media, but is now making no further statements.

The overall CNN report was one of moderation. That alone tends to allow me to believe they have the facts. And I can see the Police Admins releasing redacted reports (and the taped interview) to show the even handedness of their officer, especially in light of the probable lashback from Craig and his supporters.

The question of who will replace Craig? Look up the name, Jim Risch. He is the current Lt. Governor. He was the acting Governor when Bush appointed Dirk Kempthorne as Sec. of the Interior until Otter was elected. Risch was planning to run against Craig in the 2008 Senatorial race.

Risch is not nearly the 2A advocate that Craig was/is... Oh, as of this writng, Craig has yet to resign.


New member
You never know if the person in there just ate monster burritos for lunch and is about to generate a horrifically choking miasma of WMD complete with "oh, god, no" levels of sound effects.


That's the funniest thing I've ever read here.... ever.


New member
I kind of feel bad for him... the media is really trying to crucify him. I haven't really seen any actual proof that he did this... just a whole lot of accusations.

Besides... who cares if he's gay? I don't really see what the big deal is.


New member
I kind of feel bad for him... the media is really trying to crucify him. I haven't really seen any actual proof that he did this... just a whole lot of accusations.

Well, there is that whole "guilty plea" thing. While that doesn't necessarily mean he was actually guilty it starts to make the rest of the circumstances, which didn't look good to begin with, look really bad.

Besides... who cares if he's gay? I don't really see what the big deal is.

I don't. Unfortunately for him, a large portion of the Republican voters of Idaho do. Doesn't make it right, just kinda how it is. Also, while I don't want to delve too deeply into the issue (so as to keep the thread open...I'd ask that you help me out here), his policies while in office and campaign positions have not been particularly accepting of alternative lifestyles. And that is an issue for me, and probably for a large number of people who otherwise wouldn't have cared.


Funny, do you remember what bathroom you use in an airport? I don't!

Usually the closest to my gate.

Besides... who cares if he's gay? I don't really see what the big deal is.

It's not, except if it's a big secret. In that case it open up the public official to threats of exposure.