LaPierre on a Stick!

Glenn E. Meyer

New member

I don't know if you can see this but I'll explain.

A history professor at the University of Rhode Island said that he would want Wayne's head on a stick after CT in a tweet. Folks complained and the school Pres. said that the institution didn't condone violence or threats of. The remarks do not reflect those of the school.
BTW, the link didn't work for me.

The state police visited the professor. He said he was only using a metaphor for personal responsibility.

Glockstar .40

New member
i dont get why everyone blames the NRA. they didnt shoot anyone! its like blaming henry ford for a drunk driver killing a pedestrian.


New member
A brilliant response that I saw on the APS forum (for when willfully-ignorant people start shrieking about this being the NRA's fault) is to ask them what the gay community is doing about Penn State. That should make their heads explode; metaphorically, of course.

Unfortunately, the furor had died down already on the cooking newsgroup where I post -- I would love to hit them with that but don't want to start the off-topic mess all over again.

Siccing the state police on the idiot professor was a nice touch.


New member
“In my world, calling for someone’s head on a stick is a metaphor to hold them responsible for their actions. I think the last time “head on a stick” actually meant murder was sometime around 1450,” said Loomis is his Tuesday post.

Well, he thinks wrong, just off the top of my head, I know for a fact the Japanese placed peoples heads on sticks as warnings in WW2. Also there are places as close as south Mexico where you could get your head placed on a stick right now. Some history professor.:rolleyes:


New member
A morning radio show that I listen to occasionally was talking about a host of "tweets" where folks were posting that people should start killing NRA members. Sounds like a bunch of nice peaceful people on the anti-gun side of the discussion.

Harmless Drudge

New member
There is an interesting dichotomy between fully-functional citizens of the republic on the one hand, and people who are so outraged at murderers that they want to kill the innocent fully-functional citizens of the republic, on the other.

The anti-gun crowd judges everyone else by their own means and measures. They are imbalanced and intellectually dishonest, and so they view everyone else in that light. If only they could believe in the possibility of a moral fixed mark for long enough to participate candidly in civil discourse, they might be able to confront why they are so akin to the mass murderers in their thought processes.

Thank God they don't have guns*

*They have bodyguards who have guns, instead. :rolleyes:


New member
A morning radio show that I listen to occasionally was talking about a host of "tweets" where folks were posting that people should start killing NRA members. Sounds like a bunch of nice peaceful people on the anti-gun side of the discussion.

They better be careful with this...NRA members might shoot back! :eek:
“In my world, calling for someone’s head on a stick is a metaphor to hold them responsible for their actions. I think the last time “head on a stick” actually meant murder was sometime around 1450,” said Loomis is his Tuesday post.
Liar, liar, pants on fire.

Calling for someone's head on a stick is NOT, and never has been, a "metaphor to hold them responsible for their actions." It is an admission that the speaker/writer would like to see the subject killed and beheaded, but doesn't have to gonads to do it him/herself.


New member
I'm not one that's in league with the far right, but this is one incident where there really is nobody to find responsible, except maybe the victim's mother. If you know your son is mentally ill, don't bring him to the range and keep your weapons secure. You can't blame the NRA. For that matter, the shooter attempted to buy firearms twice last week and was denied. Isn't that gun restrictions working? Working the way they should? You can't blame the NRA. School had single point of entry, so he broke his way in. You can't blame the NRA. I really don't see how any stiffer gun laws that are opposed by the NRA would have prevented the incident. The only thing people are griping about is the fact that he had an AR with a 30 rd magazine. If the Bushmaster had been illegal and his mother didn't have it, would the incident not have happened? I doubt it. He still had 2 pistols. The VA Tech shooter had 2 pistols and no AR. This is one time where screaming about this being the NRA's fault is simply not valid. The backlash comes from a place of emotion. People need to blame someone. They NEED to. When it comes to an issue of gun violence, the NRA is always the bad guy. Wayne is the captain of that ship, so he's going to hear these things. It's a point of contempt that lacks credibility though.


New member
EricReynolds ... I'm not one that's in league with the far right, but this is one incident where there really is nobody to find responsible, except maybe the victim's mother. If you know your son is mentally ill, don't bring him to the range and keep your weapons secure. You can't blame the NRA. For that matter, the shooter attempted to buy firearms twice last week and was denied. Isn't that gun restrictions working? Working the way they should? You can't blame the NRA. School had single point of entry, so he broke his way in. You can't blame the NRA. I really don't see how any stiffer gun laws that are opposed by the NRA would have prevented the incident. The only thing people are griping about is the fact that he had an AR with a 30 rd magazine. If the Bushmaster had been illegal and his mother didn't have it, would the incident not have happened? I doubt it. He still had 2 pistols. The VA Tech shooter had 2 pistols and no AR. This is one time where screaming about this being the NRA's fault is simply not valid. The backlash comes from a place of emotion. People need to blame someone. They NEED to. When it comes to an issue of gun violence, the NRA is always the bad guy. Wayne is the captain of that ship, so he's going to hear these things. It's a point of contempt that lacks credibility though.

Well said, Eric



New member
i dont get why everyone blames the NRA. they didnt shoot anyone! its like blaming henry ford for a drunk driver killing a pedestrian.

That metaphor still doesn't come close its more like. MADD being blamed for a drunk driver killing a pedestrian.


New member
Texshooter: When did the Democratic party advocate killing members of the NRA? Seems like you're conflating the opinions of one guy who is not a Democratic official with the Democratic party.

Westboro Baptist Church is going to picket the funerals of the kids and teachers from Newtown. Should I connect that with all Baptists?

Well Loomis has deleted his twitter account. So a point to the outrage merchants. Let political correctness reign.


New member
The really infuriating thing about this is that we all know that if the shoe was on the other foot, the other side would be shrieking about how dangerous and violent all gun owners are (well, at least shreiking more than they already are). The anti's got their knickers in a big twist over symbols on a map after the Giffords shooting, but when one of them advocates muder and mutilation, well he was just misinterpreted. Disgusting.


New member
Is the Democratic Party asking OTHER people to murder members of the NRA, or are they willing to do it themselves?
Spike Lee did say he wanted to shoot Charlton Heston w/a .44 once.
If you want to do blanket bashing on Democrats or the Democratic party, this is not the forum for you.

Yes, that's a hint.


New member
Many Democrats, Liberals, or whatever political label one wishes to apply, are firearms owners and support the RKBA. We need everyone of them we can get and we don't need to alienate them, because of their stance on other issues.


New member
All the bombings and shooting of schools, driving cars into crowds, or whatever the event all had ONE common denominator. Mentally disturded/unstable individuals. Even if it's 'just' depression, you still have to be mentally unstable to take it out on innocents.
Bob McDonnell, our governor wants to look into this issue, not the tools these idiots. I hope he ends of running for president some day. I didn't even check to see if he was Rep. or Dem. Oh, he even has a common sense plan for qualified school staff to take SP type training if qualifies individuals want to volunteer...:eek: (I know I said that wrong, but I'm in a hurry today).