LaPierre article in new issue of American Rifleman


New member
For those who have not yet read it, LaPierre lists several penalties already in place, but rarely enforced, for crimes committed using firearms. Penalties range from 10 years to life imprisonment or death penalty.

He discusses relative lack of employment of these penalties, by feds and by the city of Chicago.

It's a good read, and one that should be shared with any fence-sitters you may know.

Spats McGee

When I get done with an issue of American Rifleman, I cut the address off of it, then pass it along for others to read. I'm sorely tempted just to take it somewhere, like a doctor's office, and leave it in the waiting room.


New member
That's my problem with Mr. LaPierre. He makes great discussion points, but he does not speak well. I don't know if it's his timing, his inflection and tone, or what it is, but his actual speaking is... off.


New member
JimDandy, I agree.

Personally, I would prefer to have Emily Miller as a spokesperson, for reasons I've detailed in other threads.

But, I could also see LaPierre writing opinion pieces, but having them delivered by Tom Selleck or Sam Elliot.

I think it would be worthwhile to have a spokesperson who knows how to work an audience. I suspect I would be a better public speaker than LaPierre, and that is not necessarily saying much - yet the man makes good points.


New member
Tom Selleck and Sam Elliot would be good choices, though I also have reservations about using an actor. I'd be more inclined to use a trial lawyer. One who knows when to shout, preach, or be the very definition of calm for effect.


New member
My brother is a retired, big city, cop

He can count, on one hand, the number of times an ATF agent actually took the information that was provided in his report and prosecuted under federal law.
They would rather state charges be filed than get involved. Are the just being lazy?


New member
Colt46, if I wished to be generous, I'd say the feds could have adopted a "wait in the wings" strategy, to see if the state would get a conviction; if the state failed, the feds could then try, as Double Jeopardy would not apply. (State can't try you twice for the same crime; Feds can't try you twice for the same crime; however, the states and the Feds can try you separately, for the same crime.)

If I did not wish to be generous, I'd say either:

a) the feds are lazy;
b) the feds don't communicate well between the LE agencies and the US Attorney's offices; or
c) there is a hidden agenda in play, and they prefer to keep the bad guys in some degree of circulation in order to justify their budgets and their calls for more laws.

Alabama Shooter

New member
When I get done with an issue of American Rifleman, I cut the address off of it, then pass it along for others to read. I'm sorely tempted just to take it somewhere, like a doctor's office, and leave it in the waiting room.

I leave mine at the barber shop. But where I get my hair cut everyone has probably read it already.

Spats McGee

My wife cuts my hair, so that one's out for me, Alabama Shooter. Besides, I'm trying to come up with places where it might be read by somebody other than other gun guys. What I'm really hoping for is for some fence-sitter to actually read and issue and go, "Oh. Well that DOES make some sense."

Alabama Shooter

New member
Try a car service waiting area. I was getting my car serviced the other day and had to wait about 45 minutes there for my shuttle. I'd have been bored out of my school for nearly an hour without my phone.


New member
I bought a guest NRA membership for the beauty shop in town. Those gals read all kinds of stuff. My Mom keeps me informed of some of the local gossip she hears in there and she's always saying so and so had something to say or ask. Those old gals are some of our dearest supporters and they kindda tell the young gals how it really is.
One young girl in there was strongly opposed to folks owning guns when "that's the reason we have police". She came home, found someone had broke into her apartment and called the police. Since the burglars were already gone, it took 50 minutes for the police to respond. When someone was seen in her car, it took only 15 minutes and the car was empty by the time police arrived (10 minutes). She wasn't aware they were there.
She now has her CCW be it good or bad.
I do believe we need to educate those that do not know, and trust me when I say some truly need to be educated. Don't over look the ladies... they share thier opinions quite openly.....


New member
Don't over look the ladies... they share thier opinions quite openly.....

The manufacturers sure aren't. Look at all the pink stuff for sale anymore... range bags, rifle furniture, and on and on.


New member
Pink guns

My Wife and Daughter HATE pink! They would kill me if I got them a pink gun, range bag, or something else. On the other hand, dark purple is a color they :D


New member
The manufacturers sure aren't. Look at all the pink stuff for sale anymore... range bags, rifle furniture, and on and on.
That works great on my 9 year old daughter, but not so much my wife.


New member
I've always found it funny that both my sister and girlfriend are all business when it comes to the actual gun itself. Dare I say it, they prefer the "tactical" looking guns?

But when it comes to ancillary stuff, like range bags, ear muffs, and the life, it looks like somebody nuked a Victoria Secret and Ranger Joes and the result debris was fused together.

I drop my American Riflemans either in the lobby of the Registar's Office at school or leave them on one of the tables with Political Science periodicals in the Political Science offices.

Never know.


New member
Maybe donate to the public library or a school library? Of course this might get you arrested in those areas of the country that need it the most because they would see it as threatening.


Penney incident...

As documented before, a few weeks ago, the illustrious State's Atty(an elected official) in my area announced to the local media that he would drop all gun charges against a young convicted felon named Penney who shot & wounded a uniformed police officer with a illegal AK-47 7.62x39mm.
The prosecutors let the felon get a plea deal.
The officer was in the front seat of a marked patrol vehicle in ST Cloud Florida.

This to me is wrong. It shows how slanted the system is, where "gun safety" is touted by political wags then the SAME people let criminals & felons skate. :mad:
