LAPD swat using factory stock Kimbers


New member

"None of the LAPD SWAT Kimber Custom II pistols were given special treatment before being issued, and none had ever seen the inside of the Kimber Custom Shop. Other than their special markings, night sights and checkering, all are standard Kimber Custom II models like the one I own."

Not trying to sway anybody's opinion of Kimbers. I do find their choice interesting and relevant.. I don't see LAPD swat choosing guns based on price (Kimbers aren't cheap) and I don't see them choosing guns they don't feel they can rely on. I think this says a lot about the newer Kimbers.


New member
Other than night sights, changing the checkering and a special serial number range (and markings).. these are bone stock. It's nothing more than a TLE II.


New member
Loved my Custom II, and deeply regret... Nah, probably would've lost it in the divorce anyhow:rolleyes:
Great gun and wouldn't hesitate to buy another, as far as any other... That's another thread, but don't doubt that any agency wanting 1911s would want this.


New member
My best friend has a Kimber. I hated it at first, but it definitely grew on me a lot. It was funny watching him try to field strip it the first time though, took him over an hour lol. He couldn't figure out how to get the pin back in.


New member
My best friend has a Kimber. I hated it at first, but it definitely grew on me a lot. It was funny watching him try to field strip it the first time though, took him over an hour lol. He couldn't figure out how to get the pin back in.

Working at a gun store I see a few people who tried to completely strip their 1911s come in with a bag or parts requesting a rebuild. No matter how hard my Kimbers and Smith are to work on they grew on me too :)


New member
Not to disappoint anyone but this is old news. The article is from 2003.

It's been the case for some time that a number of SWAT units around the country have chosen 1911s over the standard issue for their depts.



New member
I know it's old news.. still interesting and I'm sure not everybody on the forum has heard it.
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New member
Not to disappoint anyone but this is old news. The article is from 2003.

It may be old news but they(LAPD) are still using them. Evidently they are happy, that would be 7 years with the same weapon.
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I know it's old news.... I just wanted to be sure Kimber's voice is heard. lol

This just in! After competition from several companies was completed and extensive testing, the Army has chosen Colt to manufacture pistols for the military. It is chambered in the new .45 ACP cartridge.

I don't see the Army choosing guns based on price (Colts aren't cheap) and I don't see them choosing guns they don't feel they can rely on. I think this says a lot about these new guns.

Could not resist. Seven year old news isn't timely or terribly relevant.

Not trying to sway anybody's opinion of Kimbers.
I know it's old news.... I just wanted to be sure Kimber's voice is heard.

If you aren't trying to sway anyone's opinion of Kimbers, then why is it you think Kimber's voice needs to be heard? You know, I think Kimber does have a marketing department.


New member
Hmmm. Maybe I'll think about another Kimber. But then again, I sometimes think about doing things that I know will hurt... You know you do too.

I still wake up in a cold sweat with nightmares of my past experiences with Kimber's customer service.


New member
This just in! After competition from several companies was completed and extensive testing, the Army has chosen Colt to manufacture pistols for the military. It is chambered in the new .45 ACP cartridge.

I don't see the Army choosing guns based on price (Colts aren't cheap) and I don't see them choosing guns they don't feel they can rely on. I think this says a lot about these new guns.

Could not resist. Seven year old news isn't timely or terribly relevant.

I really don't think your sarcasm is constructive or helpful. I'm sure there are plenty of people who hadn't heard this or read this who would find it interesting.


New member
I find it kinda interesting. It does say some thing about a product when a civil service agency is willing to pony up the hard earned pennies to buy it. And keep buying them for 7 years.


Now the average patrolman has a better pistol then the LAPD SWAT. The average patrolman has 12 rounds of .40 ammo and the LAPD SWAT 8 rounds of .45 ammo. The SWAT guy is probably going to mainly use his M4 type rifle, but if he needed the pistol then all he would have is 8 rounds before a re-load.

Why not choose a GLOCK 21 and have 12 rounds of .45 available?


New member
Ergonomics? Like you said though, the pistol isn't as big of a deal (usually*) as compared to the carbine/SMG/rifle.

*It can be a primary of course if the carbine/SMG/rifle were to go down or if they had to deal with extremely tight quarters.


New member
Why a 1911? For the same reason half the guys on this bars are fondling their 1911's right now. They just like them. Plus who knows what kind of price they cut them. Heck a free 1911 for every SWAT member in LA that wants one probably costs less than the what they pay for a full-color 2 page and a the entire back cover every gun magazine on the rack every month. Monkey see. Monkey do. They probably sold 5x the amount the SWAT team ordered the day that article was first published. They'll probably sell 1 or 2 off this reposted mention. Like them or not Kimber knows how to sell guns and make money. Also, for every hater there seems to be three or four that love them.


New member
1911: Good choie

Kimber: Bad choice

I would love to hear from some of those officers to know if they have modified their weapon to make it more reliable, or how many issues they may have had with these.


New member
It's not exactly a secret. Kimber likes to talk about how they equip LAPD SWAT and SIS.

Personally, I find it amusing that they trumpet such things while other gunmakers (Barrett, STI) have told California law enforcement to get bent- if the law enforcement agencies are going to back bans which means regular citizens cannot buy their products, they have no desire to sell their products to those same agencies.

While I'd like to see more gunmakers take this kind of stand, I have some pause before buying from a gunmaker who trumpets loudly how they equip these agencies. Especially when I can get guns of similar design, at least as high quality, and for a competitive price.

Just my $0.02.