lake city once fired brass


New member
I went to Brass Bombers site and it looks like they are closed due to a shoulder injury and they might be closed permanently.
Where is the next best place for LC once fired or once fired processed brass ?


New member
Thank you for the information. Have you ordered from this guy ? What I was looking for is a recommendation from you guys for a place you have ordered from.


New member
What I was looking for is a recommendation from you guys for a place you have ordered from.

Depends on what cartridge. I bought 2000 pieces (2 1000cs lots at different times) of processed 7.62mm from TopBrass (Scharch) and have had no end of problems with it... case head separations, case head fractures (yes, fractures.) I won't buy once-fired brass military rifle brass anymore... I'd rather buy factory ammo for .50/rd and 'unload' it myself, that way I know the whole process chain.

5.56mm is probably a different deal, but, again, I choose to buy loaded ammo and unload it meself.


New member
Everglades Ammo is a lot more than just a guy in Florida. They are in Naples FL and have the fastest service in the world. Yea I'm in JAX, FL, but regardless I have ordered one day and had my brass on my door the next day. Super scary fast and they generally throw in an extra 25 per thousand to account for any unserviceable brass. FYI, I generally buy unprocessed/uncleaned.

F. Guffey

New member
One day I pushed myself away from the computer and found my self in Yonkers NY at an Iron and Metal salvage yard. The nice thing about being there is I have never found it necessary to start over because they know what I am looking for.

They had barrels, buckets and boxes of cases, a wild guestimate was 23,000; I ask them to start counting, after that the deal did not look so attractive to them.. And lead? They always had lead and 50/50 bars, what a fun place.

Of course I washed my hands and went up to the Homefiled Deli, it was Saturday morning when a member of the community walked in and asked if anyone knew where he could find someone that could repair his rifle. Half of the customers turned and pointed at me. And I wondered if they understood they were in NY. He explained to me he was headed for a flea marked north of Boston and wanted to sell the rifle but he knew he would take a beating if the rifle did not work. I fixed the rifle and then explained to him the rifle had a problem in the design, the rifle was one of those that could be fired by pushing the trigger forward.

F. Guffey


New member
I am also an EverGlades Fan. I just ordered and received an order of 1,000 pieces of 5.56 damaged brass and a 1,000 pulled 62 gr. bullets. They both arrived quickly. The bullets were $99.00 and free shipping. I caught the damaged brass on their Columbus Day sale for $41.65 with free shipping. After de-capping, resizing and swagging the brass, I ended up with 1,016 usable pieces. The time before I ended up with 1,021 usable pieces of 5.56 brass. In both batches, most of the unusable brass would of worked for black out rounds. It is as good a deal as you could ever wish to find. You do need a method to remove the primer crimps and resize the brass to take care of the damage. What dents not removed by the resizing are removed upon first firing. Great for plinking or target shooting. I use a Dillon 600 Swage and ultrasonic cleaner after de-priming and swaging.

As others have stated, EverGlades has undamaged and processed brass too. Their pulled bullet look like new to me. They are steel core so you may have a problem shooting them at some commercial ranges.

Metal god

New member
Im at the range now . They are supposed to be bringing me 2500 cases right now . The issue is i got in an argument with a RSO about not having brass here when I know they have it on site . Not sure how separated it’s all goong to be. He might come back with a bunch of mixed crap because he’s not very happy with me right now . I’ll update soon

F. Guffey

New member
Im at the range now . They are supposed to be bringing me 2500 cases right now . The issue is i got in an argument with a RSO about not having brass here when I know they have it on site . Not sure how separated it’s all goong to be. He might come back with a bunch of mixed crap because he’s not very happy with me right now . I’ll update soon

I am beginning to believe you are unhappy with everyone and ever place you go.

Be like me; relax your mind. Remember we are all supposed to be gun owners. I managed to push myself away from the keyboard last Sunday and made a trip to the country to check on tools being sold.

I am still so happy I can hardly talk about it but the man sold me a set of 3/4 inch sockets, extensions, ratchet and break overs with 16 sockets for $25.00. He also sold me a 3,000 pound winch for $20.00. And collets, I needed one but he had 16, all for $5.00. And he gave me a cement mixer.

I paid $20.00 for 6 sets of welding gages and thread cutting tools with holders. I know that does not mean much to most but the cutters and handles were Rigid and Toledo. The Toledo parts are most difficult to find.

F. Guffey
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Metal god

New member
Ok , I bought 1700 cases and they were mixed a bit . Not as bad as i was expecting but ill have to sort through them when I get home and see what I have of what .

Metal god

New member
I was wrong its 1500 of extremely mixed cases and 250 LC-16 . :( this is a new brass guy at the range and he clearly does not care as much as the old guy . So very disappointed not only in the guy collecting and distributing the brass but in the fact I made it seem like this was easy to get .

Rebs if you’d like . I’ll send you the 250 LC-16 pieces ??


New member
Wow, i have yet to purchase a single piece of LC 5.56 brass. And i've got about 300 pieces..

Have sent a not so small mountain of 223 brass to the recyclers.


New member
Have sent a not so small mountain of 223 brass to the recyclers.

I scrapped about 10K of it earlier this year... I had so much of it I knew I would never get around to processing... and I just assumed everyone else had a pile of it, too.

Metal god

New member
Well I have about 3k mixed cases I don’t know what I’m going to do with . I don’t have a problem with mixed brass as long as it’s either all commercial or all NATO . However when NATO is mixed in with the commercial stuff . I really don’t even want to bother with it because you need to separate the crimp primer cases from the rest .

It's just not worth the time needed to look at every headstamp to determine which pile it goes in when you have thousands of them . Last time I had a large batch of uber mixed cases I just treated them all as if they had primer crimps and ran them all though the decrimping process . I use that lot of brass as my cheap steel plinking ammo because all I need to shoot with those is about 6moa . I can do that with the worst loaded ammo :rolleyes:

I want to apologize to Rebs once again . It bothers me more then I think it should that my range no longer makes the effort to separate the brass . The reason is because they don't actually need to separate it . They just need to keep the military cases separate from the members cases .

That sounds like separating it but IMO it's not . We rent/lease 3 of are 6 ranges just about every day of the week to the Navy , Coastguard and some LEO . When the military is up there shooting the range starts out clean with NO brass on the ground . They then shoot for hours up there ( full auto sometimes ) so there is at least a few thousand NATO only cases on the ground when they leave . Are brass guys is supposed to pick it up after they leave . ALL HE HAS TO DO IS NOT MIX IT IN WITH ALL THE OTHER BRASS ON SITE . Ta-da separated NATO brass with no real effort . :( That must have been what the old guy did because I was buying hundreds/thousands of LC same year brass every time I needed it . It was always available but not anymore . :confused: Either that or this new guy is selectively collecting and selling to a special few .
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New member
I always used Weatherford Reloading out of Weatherford Oklahoma, but I have no idea where these guys went. I loved their LC brass. Anyone have any idea if they moved or folded up?