Lake City 5.56 brass


New member
I have some 5.56 LC brass and just for the heck of it tried priming a few on my Hornady LNL progressive. I was surprised when the primers seated without removing the primer crimp. Has anyone else tried this ?

F. Guffey

New member
Yes I have, the cases did not have a crimp and there is a remove chance the crimp on your cases were removed before you received them.

F. Guffey
I've had that happen with some 5.56 cases, too. It's as if the primer crimp was less pronounced than it is on cases using large primers. Part of it may be the narrower small primers are more rigid and do a better job of helping to push the crimp out during decapping than the large ones do. The primers that are able to seat this way usually feel like they are going in fairly stiffly, though, and not with the same effort in every case. So, I would expect it's going to be conducive to irregular ignition and wider velocity ES.

Marco Califo

New member
I have experienced this. When it happened, I tried to go with it and load them. But it was not every case in the group that primed easily, and enough were difficult or problematic that I ended up stopping my priming, and processing all the crimps in that group. It is not worth it to save a couple of minutes, then waste time fixing it later.


New member
These are all crimped, I can see the crimp. Some are not as pronounced as others even though it is all Lake City. I decided to just go ahead and remove the crimp on all of them to stay out of trouble.


New member
I use a go / no-go gauge to check my primer pockets and many LC cases are tight but ok to seat without swaging the pockets. However, it seems 9 out of 10 do require trimming ... they really seem to grow after one shot.

Metal god

New member
The only crimped cases I've been able to seat primers in are a batch of 9mm cases . I bought 1k WCC-11 and 1k WCC-12 once fired cases , I don't remember which ones but one batch I had to remove every crimp while the other primed like new virgin cases with out touching the crimp .

These are all crimped, I can see the crimp. Some are not as pronounced as others even though it is all Lake City. I decided to just go ahead and remove the crimp on all of them to stay out of trouble.

That is what I do because there's been times I find some cases in a lot that don't need the crimp removed but some did . Running across those that need it just got to frustrating when wanting to move quickly through the priming process . Running them all through the crimp removal process is just less hassle in the long run for me . Or what Marco said ;)

Are these the LC-16 I sent you . I ask because my LC-16 all have the crimp removed but I still get a primer hanging up a tad from time to time . Likely because just enough of the crimp is left to catch the edge of the primer . The primers still seat but there is definitely a resistance that's not there with the rest .

I should add that I prime all my cases by hand so I have a good feel when priming as apposed to priming on a press where you might not feel that slight hang up right before it seats .
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New member
The LC 16 that I got from you I just went ahead a removed the crimp. The ones that took a primer were mixed year LC that another guy gave me. They are pretty rough looking lol
Yours look like new.