L1A1 Question


New member
A dumb question about the 'L1A1 Sporters' advertised by several dealers in Shotgun News...

Are these rifles original rifles that pass the sporting purposes test for importation, thus the 'sporter' tag? Or are they kits rebuilt onto aftermarket manufactured receivers like the FALs on the market?

The reason I ask is that none of them specify a receiver manufacturer like the advertised FALs.

Any info greatly appreciated:)



New member
A real L1A1 would have the cuts for the Auto/Safety Sear, and wouldn't be importable. Therefore, these are parts kits built on newly made receivers with enough US parts to be considered US-made.

The fact that they don't mention the maker of the receiver would concern me - I'd definately want to know its manufacturer before I bought.


New member
They are going to be parts guns. L1a1 parts from England. I have seen them with both inch and metric receivers manufactured by Imbel, Entreprise, and Hesse. All of the ones that I have seen have been put together by Century. Quality has varied greatly.

I have one on an Imbel Inch receiver. It looks worn, but it is a heck of a shooter. And it is utterly reliable.

Personally I like the English parts guns better than the Austrian. Even though the quality of the Austrians that I have seen has tended to be better. But I like the L1a1 style of folding cocking handle, and the sand cuts on the bolt.