L&P: Consider this, before you post.

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Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
The Legal and Political forum is for "Round table discussions [that can] range from the Bill of Rights, to concealed carry, to general political issues."

That can be pretty all encompassing. But there are some self-imposed limits:

We don't discuss race, religion or sexual preference. As many have observed, these topics while valid topics, do nothing but divide us as a community. Emotions that some may normally hold in check, come out in full force. The result is almost always disastrous, in terms of discussion and/or debate. This has been the overall experience not just here, but in many gun forums. As such, they are forbidden topics.

Here at The Firing Line, we also welcome opposing views (and you should too).

As a community of and for firearms advocacy, we will necessarily get many members from the right side of the aisle. Occasionally, we have members from the left side of the aisle.

It should be pretty obvious, that the two sides will have some opposing views, even when there is general agreement on what the 2A says. That is what discussion and debate and the L&P forum are about: Looking at the ideas, from differing perspectives.

However, there are those from both sides of the aisle that seem to take issue with what another member says. Unfortunately, the issue is then given an emotional voice in public. This almost always results in personal attacks, again, against both sides of the aisle. As a result, threads are closed or deleted; posts deleted; members warned and banned.

Discussion and debate should be on the ideas presented, not the personalities that presented the idea. That's the ideal.

The ideal gets lost in the emotions of debate/discussion. Some do not think through what they are posting, their emotions are controlling them. Hence the adage: Think Twice, post once.

To my mind, the purpose of the L&P forum is to tie together the many threads that threaten our daily Liberties and Freedoms. Guns are only a part of those things threatened. To some of you, they may be a huge thing in your lives, to others, they are less important. Regardless, there are other things that would endanger the RKBA, that on the surface have nothing whatsoever to do with the RKBA. And that, my friends is why we have L&P.

For those of you that see only black and white, I suggest you leave this forum altogether. Life is not a two-toned creature, neither are our rights.
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