KY NICS check question

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
I find that hard to believe, but anything is possible. Seems like such a thing would be spelled out somewhere in the paperwork for the permit. At least along the lines of "The state reserves the right to process future background checks at it's discretion."

This one really gets me:

"Really it is a national disgrace that the only piece of gun-related legislation to come to a vote since Tucson was this legislation that would have enabled dangerous concealed carriers like Jared Loughner to carry their guns across state lines," Henigan said. (Brady Campaign)

I find it amusing that people can believe that someone willing to kill 9 people would be concerned about it being illegal to cross state lines with their weapons. Have they installed WalMart style security scanners at the borders that alarm when someone crosses?:rolleyes::D


New member
I'm not really surprised. This may be their way of making sure that any CCW holders that get convicted of a crime get their CCW's properly pulled.


New member
Kentucky, which ranks 26th nationally in terms of population, topped the state rankings for pre-purchase background checks in 2011, the FBI said.

Gun sellers in the Bluegrass State, which has just 4.3 million residents, generated almost 2.3 million instant background checks in 2011 - accounting for roughly one of every seven the FBI processed during the year.
This certainly implies that KY runs a NICS check on all CCW holders every month, but it could be incorrect. Is the NICS system really supposed to be used this way? It could be some other form of "background check" that is run monthly.

In any event, that doesn't account for the significant increase in NICS checks done in December 2011.