KUDOS to the Security Guard


New member
How about some Kudos for that security guard at the Colorado church. She puts a friendly face on the "lethal force for the power of good" argument we've always touted. The media can't help but credit her. I'll bet it makes them boil. I heard Rosie O'Donnel punched a piece of coal so hard it turned into a diamond.
Kudos to you, young lady.


Except she wasn't a hired security guard, as the media is trying to frame it.

She was a civilian volunteer with a CCW. After the other shootings, the church asked if anyone would be willing to be armed security. She went to one mass, guarded another. As a volunteer.

The nooz will absolutely NOT report it that way, I guarantee you that. She was a civilian who was extraordinarily professional, faced down and stopped a threat with a rifle with her own personal handgun, and thus proved that armed civilians can indeed stop bad things.

Probably saved at least 50 or more people in the church. The guy had 500 rounds, apparently.


New member
Good job!

Yes, good job! It is great to see a cpl save so many lives. I to wish the news would let it be known she had cpl but they won't.

Once again good job to her!


New member
Except she wasn't a hired security guard, as the media is trying to frame it.

She was a civilian volunteer with a CCW. After the other shootings, the church asked if anyone would be willing to be armed security. She went to one mass, guarded another. As a volunteer

Half & Half true/false.

She is Ex-Law Enforcement who gave it up to serve the Church.

She is a private citizen with a CCW.

She is a hired guard of the Minister of the New Life Church.

She was serving as an unpaid volunteer Guard to the General Assembly of the church on the day of the New Life Church shooting.

She is on the Guard Committee of the church, which they have scheduled individuals for each Church Function to be present with their firearm.

She is a member of the New Life Church.

Ms. Assam is a hero and she deserves to be honored and remembered as such.


New member
I heard Rosie O'Donnel punched a piece of coal so hard it turned into a diamond


New member
I guess calling her a security guard is a palatable form for the libtards to swallow. Technically you, myself, and anyone else who has a CCW serves as a security guard for everywhere we go, which is really a good thing when you think about it. Still, though, they just can't make themselves say "armed private citizen." They can't. It's just not something they can grasp.


New member
Ms. Assam is a hero and she deserves to be honored and remembered as such.
..and she's single! I'll bet not for long though. I'm no fan of the media but Good Morning America actually did a pretty good job of it this a.m. They were obviously very impressed with her actions and respectful of her faith.

Garand Illusion

New member
Whether ex LEO, ex dishwasher, ex housewife, or whatever ... she is still a private citizen. Just like the rest of us who have CCW's.

And she did what any of the rest of us did.

We can't let the anti-CCW media get away with making out like this is part of her job, and like she was a "uniformed" (and therefore official) person.

She was just a citizen, period.


New member
If the CCW laws are like Michigan, she must have had permission to carry there.

Churches are pistol free zones in Michigan unless the head pastor or leader gives permission to carry.

Yet again, another reason why pistol free zones are so stupid. If your going to trust someone to carry a weapon, why should there be any restrictions after you go through all the licensing and background checks? Makes no sense.


New member
"The man who killed four people at a church and missionary training center was killed by a bullet he fired himself, though he was hit by shots from a church security officer, police said Tuesday.

Matthew Murray, 24, was struck multiple times by a security officer at New Life Church Sunday, but his death was ruled a suicide, the El Paso County Coroner's Office concluded after an autopsy."


New member
This report says he killed himself with a shotgun after being hit several times.


I thought he had an "assault rifle".

Also note that the article mentions that Ms. Assam was fired from her police job. Is this just info released to discredit a hero. If I was cynical I would think that these things are brought up to cast dispersions on self - defense / CCW people.

PS: when I clicked to verify the link worked I noted the reference to a shotgun was no longer there.
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New member
As I said in a earlier thread about Omaha, if engaged it could force the shooter to kill himself sooner than if he had gone unchallenged....case and point! She gets credit for the kill in my book.;)

Garand Illusion

New member
This guy had major carnage planned. He supposedly had smoke bombs, multiple weapons, lots of ammuntion. He cam to kill.

Then when he was hurt and down and realized it was game over ... he finished the plan like he undoubtedly always intended.

But who knows how many more would have died if he hadn't been put down early on?