Kudos to Pink Pistols


New member
For those of you who don't already know, there is really neat organization called Pink Pistols which which is centered on self defense shooting for homosexuals. I think their slogan is armed gays don't get bashed."

I went to one of their range days (I'll take every opportunity I can to shoot) even though I'm straight. I thought it might be a bit awkward because I was the only person there who wasn't gay, but everybody was so welcoming and wonderful. I thought these guys deserved some kudos for going against the general anti-gun atmosphere of the city I live in and making sure they know how to defend themselves.


New member
Doesn't matter....

It doesn't matter what you are.. The right to protect yourself is universal.

Freedom is worth fighting for!


Active member
When it comes to 2nd Amendment rights, we are all on the same side. I'm familiar with the Pink Pistols and I give them Kudos, not only for getting people interested in firearms and self-defense, but also for running a range where people can practice shooting their weapons.



My guess of where you live, since you said it is mainly anti-gun, is the Fantasy Island of all that is liberally twisted, MADISON!!:eek:

I live north of there out in the rural and while there is much to see and do in Madison I can honestly say that I am always in a hurry to get the heck out of there. My favorite gun shop had to move out of there when the city expanded towards Sun Prairie. He sold handguns and they gave him a certain amount of time to either move or stop selling handguns in the city limits.

Anyways, Howdy to a fellow Wisconsinite!


New member
Yep, Madison is correct. I'm going to UW, but I'll be out in 1.5 years. I can't wait until the day that I am no longer surrounded by hippies.


New member
I had never heard of Pink Pistols before. The name is kinda funny, but I'm glad to see any firearm related organizations. The more diversity we have for hunters and shooters, the better it is for gun ownership as a whole.
Here in Oregon, a lot of the members of the Pink Pistols chapter are actually straight people..."breeders" as we call them. :D. I really have not had much dealings with the local chapter. Most of them are a bit butch for my tastes...and that is just the women. :)