Kudos for some great personal customer service


New member
Just want to take a small amount of TFL space and post a positive experience on some truly great personal customer service.

Yesterday at Bass Pro in St. Charles, MO I received some of the best customer service ever from any place, bar none. My situation was that I had a long action Savage 30-06 and a short action scope to go on top. With the basic Savage setup it just wasn't happening.

So I went into the Bass Pro and was directed to Richard who then proceeded to spend more than an hour helping me. He found the Leupold base and rings that would work then removed the Savage base. He installed the Leupold hardware and then meticulously installed the scope and bore sighted the gun. I didn't ask him to do any of this but it was obvious that he was doing something he loved.

He adjusted the scope for me several times until it was clear and comfortable for my viewing. Afterwards he questioned me about the distances that I planned on shooting and what type of bullet. I told him that the distances would not be long, 100-200 yds, and as far as bullets, I would probably reload something that the gun liked to shoot.

For all of the time that he spent with me he didn't charge me a thing (hardware of course) and only asked that I let him know how it was shooting and if it needed further adjustment to let him know.

I've had my share of bad customer service issues from different places but this was one of the best experiences that I've had. It is nice to know that there are individuals who actually care about what they are doing.

I don't know if Richard is a TFLer but in any case, "Kudos for a job well done and certainly appreciated by me." I will let him know how the gun is shooting.


New member
Too bad these good experiences are few and far between. I found a good guy at a nice little shop and I get everything there now even though I could save up to 20% at Wally World and the big chains. It's hard enough to get someone to serve you at Bass Pro in my neck of the woods.

arizona hunter

New member
Thanks for the good news. My business (swim pool products) lives or dies based on customer service (or lack of), and I know it makes me happy as a clam when people often tell me how great our service is. Ans when folks tell me about some place they received exellent service I generally find myself checking the place out, also.:)


New member
I agree. Whenever possible I try to shop the local guys. Even though I do order some things through Midway, Cheaper Than Dirt, etc, I'll still give the local guys some business even if it costs me a bit more.

They might be a bit more expensive at times but they are also providing something that the big guys usually don't; personal service. Also, there are some things that you just can't get a feel of from a magazine or looking online. I look to "handle the merchandise" before purchasing some things. Case in point, I just bought a holster for my P220 from Midway. The holster is great but it will not work for CCW. If I had been able to physically inspect it before hand I would not have purchased it.

To be honest I was a bit surprised by the Bass Pro service because I have been in there when it took forever to be waited on and forget anyone actually knowing anything. Hopefully, I'll be pleasantly surprised again.