Krav Maga

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New member
I guess this is the martial art/street fighting technique taught to Israeli armed forces and military/police forces here in the U.S. (as their ads claim). I guess with all all this emphasis with firearms training, hand to hand combat may be even more important since our firarms or knife may not always be in reach. Just went through an introductory class and it was great. Their U.S. headquarters is here in L.A. and I'm joining their training program.

Anyone here actually trained in this relatively new martial art and how effective do you think it is? Regardless, it'll get me back in shape and throwing punches relieves stress in ways that my Glock can't.

[Edited by Ian11 on 03-23-2001 at 01:34 AM]


New member
I think this belongs in Alternative Force, but I respond with my experiences (so I'm not "trained" in any sense of the word). In a AF/CQB thread, I was referred to Krav Maga as a martial art I should take. So after some online research, I checked out a school near my home over the weekend. There was no class when I got there, but an instructor talked with me personally for over an hour about Krav Maga and the cirriculum and I have to say I'm sold.

As far as I know, Krav Maga is not as much a Martial "Art" (forgive the wordplay, I realize art can have utility- just as swordmaking is an art) as it is pure Self Defense and Conditioning. They focus on making stuff work and unlike most martial arts, a big part of it is helping students build skills as quickly as possible (now I don't mean paying folks to give you a bunch of colored belts)... rather than climbing some skill stratification before you can learn anything useful. I take my first class next week and I'm really excited, I'll report back on how it turned out.


New member
I guess with all this emphasis with firearms training, hand to hand combat may be even more important since our firearms or knife may not always be in reach.

This is why I study Krav Maga and attend their training center in West LA as well. In a very short time (3 months), I have seen my boxing skills improve dramatically and feel
much better about my self defense techniques.


Staff Emeritus
Yep. Let's get this thread over in the experts' forum:

AF/CQC: Alternative Force/Close Quarters Combat
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