Kocher's Take on the Election II

Munro Williams

New member
When one sees the struggle for America's soul as a nearly seventy year old battle between the idea of self-government and mutual enslavement, it becomes obvious that the forces for self-government have been in retreat, if not a rout, ever since Reagan left office. We are now desperately trying not to be wiped off the face of the Earth.

With Hillary's election to the Senate, we have been outflanked. We may win Florida and so the election, but we will be cut to pieces in '04 with the election of Hillary Clinton to the White House. Hillary's model of society is a therapeutic, matriarchal communtarian totalitarianism which considers the Declaration and the Constitution irrelevant. It may sound flippant and a weak attempt at satire, but I am completely serious when I say that her vision for the USA, and the rest of the world, includes contemplation camps where the socially insensitive politically incorrect will be therapized into biodegradable soap.

Hillary Clinton is considered by some as a Gaia-goddess feminist Messiah. She truly has a cult of personality, and they infest the nerve centers of American political, intellectual, and cultural life. Already songs are sung in her praise by the witless NYC masses, who essentially live in a carbon copy of the Weimar Republic. They have been waiting for a Fuhrer for a long time, and they now have one in the form of Hillary Clinton.

Should Bush win the election, Hillary and her ecstatic legion will overwhelm what remains of this country like a tidal wave in 2004, and that will be the beginning of the end. She is in position to do so now, and is merely biding her time for a manufactured "crisis" to compel her to run for President when the time comes.

Strategically, we are in a political version of the Waterloo campaign: Wellington has held Quatre Bras, but Blucher has lost Ligny. The flank has been turned, and the Allies must retreat to Waterloo.

We cannot hold this line. Our flank has been turned.

We must withdraw now, or be damnably mauled.


[This message has been edited by Munro Williams (edited November 16, 2000).]

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
Munro, I agree with you... Hillary is indeed a threat. But that threat is is '04. Lets finish '00 and start '01 first.
We can not afford to lose ground now.
I see people diging in. I see people jump the Liberal Wall and run from the Democratic Party. I see key Democratic Contributors swear to never support the Democrats again.
I see people waking up and seeing the democratic party for what it is... They recognize the double standards and they see the Underhaded moves and the lack of honor.
They see Warren Christopher and get a creepy feeling just like I do. They hear to double talk and are reading between the lines.

The GOP has NEVER BEEN STRONGER... At least not since Reagan.
We need to take every advantage that we can to build our barricades against Hillary or the next great threat. You guys think Hillary is bad? Jeeze man! We thought BILL was bad! Al Gore has done the impossible... Al GORE MAKES BILL CLINTON LOOK GOOD! I'ld rather have another 4 years of Ol Bill than even ONE of AL GORE... These threats are only going to get worse. Whats worse than Hillary? The person that comes after Hillary! These liberals are only going to get smarter and sneakier and deadlier to our Consitution.

Munro is right... The fight is on. Grass roots action is necessary.
Caving in to Gore now would be tragic.
Like a game of chess where you lose your Queen and knights early. We need to be strong. We need fortification.
We need Bush in office.
He might not be the best person in the world. But COME ON... He is ALL WE GOT right now. Since he is the only option at this time he needs all of our support.
Lets stop dickering about Bush's weakness and start finding the cracks in the Liberals Armor.

Munro Williams

New member
I recall a Bobby Fischer game where he lost his queen early in the game and spent the next 16 moves skewering the opposing king into checkmate with his bishops.

It's things like that that make me say that a Bush victory now is a long term gain for totalitarianism.


New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Munro Williams:
Bush couldn't pull it off. He ws incompetent. His presidency, if he achieves it, will be based on obtuse legal reasoning and no overwhelming groundswell of opposition to Clintonism. We won't have the numbers to roll back liberalism, and will be easy meat for Hillary in '04. If Bush can't unambiguously wallop Gore, you can bet the farm on Hillary cleaning Bush's clock. At that will be the beginning of the end.

But Gore will have the same problems as President, and the added bonus will be that Hillary won't run against him in '04. She'll wait until '08. In the meantime we can get a real mature, thinking, competent, articulate person to carry the flag. Someone who can clearly teach this lost generation what Liberty means, why it requires responsibility, and in so doing, confound the liberal-socialist axis and, for the first time, put the Left on the defensive. Someone who lives up to the Heinlein quote above. Someone like Alan Keyes.

The fight isn't really Bush vs. Gore. That's a mere smokescreen/feint which camouflages the real battle: Hillary vs the USA.

That's the real issue, George. That's the real battle. This election is small potatoes, in comparison.


Your sentiment is understandable, but to sell the present in an attempt to secure the future is foolishness. If someone comes along as you describe, someone to "carry the flag", then so much the better. But I fail to see how giving in to the enemy now achieves your goal.

And I disagree that the issue is not Bush -vs- Gore. We have to fight today the battles that we face today. Sure, we need to plan for the future, but if we concede battles because the outcome isn't a perfect textbook, slam dunk victory, then we can't possibly win the war. Yes, Hillary is a threat, but we can't armor up in anticipation of that battle and ignore what needs to be done here, now.

I understand the occasional need for tactical retreat, but only when you have another plan of attack, or you are about to be forcibly removed from the battlefield. And if the objective is important enough, the option for retreat is taken out of the equation all together. If our only plan is to retreat in the hopes that a hero will appear and save us, we have already lost.

I also think you are making huge assumptions on the part of GW. As has been stated in other posts, he has not yet been put to the test. If he folds under pressure, so be it. There is a very capable man standing ready to take his place. If he doesn't, then we are all the better for it.



God so values free will that He gave us all the freedom to turn our back on even Him. If liberty is that important to God, it should be that important to us all...


If ALL gun owners stuck together and voted together instead of divided we wouldn't be in this mess.Or voted period.Too many of us are too apathetic.
Second gripe!
Sick of people voting for an person because of their sex ,religion or ethnic background.Such as H.Clinton with the women vote or as on CNN tonight the Jewish vote for Leberman just because of his ethnic background.
We have brought all this on ourselves and are paying the price.We have put our fates in the hands of a few and we will pay the price.
My choice for president would have been Alan Keys.I liked what he said and I think there was a believability factor there that no other canadate had.I had to vote Bush because the way the system is now Kays had 0 chance.A viabile 3rd party is a must in this country if it is to survive.How it can be done I have no idea.Without a very big bankroll a third party has no chance at all.

Bob--- Age and deceit will overcome youth and speed.
I'm old and deceitful.