Knoxx Specops Stock - Mossberg 590


New member
I ordered my Knoxx Specops stock for my Mossberg 590 a few days ago and have been told by Knox that it may show up on or about Friday. I will post a range report shortly. From everything I have heard I have high expectations.


New member
Wellllllll....... They told me I would get my stock on Friday but they didn't say WHICH Friday. On 6/20/06 I am still waiting for a shipment notification. I know that everyone says they are GREAT stocks but I sure would like the oportunity to see for myself. I called Knoxx and was told that all of the back ordered parts are in and they should be shipping soon.


New member
The discount is still active if you are either a member of a forum, Current or former military or Law enforcement. I am all three. They sent me the stock for free. Just kidding. You only get credit for one of those. Pick which ever applies.


New member
Stock just arrived. My first impression is that it is very well made. The instructions could have been more clear although installation is very straight forward. VERY NICE STOCK in appearance and seems very robust. I was unable to compress the stock ( Activate the recoil system ) by pulling the shotgun towards my shoulder. It feels like only recoil force will cause the stock to compress. Very sturdy. It looks like it was built with my Mossberg. I had also purchased the Modular Pak and am very satisfied with that as well. It took me a while reading the instructions to figure out it just snaps on! Once snapped on it is very secure. The high rise cheek rest looks cooler but the low rise meets my needs. I also have no need for the battery pack. I don't currently have any optics on or lights on my Shotty but it is a possibility in the future. The adjustible LOP is a huge benefit and will be very useful for my dynamic needs.

So far 100% possitive review. Very professional and tacticool appearance and outstanding workman ship.

The proof is in the pudding. I will leave another review after I shoot it. I am sure there is nothing I can add that has not already been said in the other review but I will give my 2cents anyway. From what I have seen and read I have high expectations.


New member
If you wish to test the mechanism, the best method is to empty the shotgun; place the muzzle on a carpeted floor; holding the shotgun by the pistolgrip and press down firmly. Since the main mechanism is in the pistolgrip, you will not get much travel in the butt stock where the secondary mechanism is located.


New member
Thanks Larry, I'll try that. I had a magazine spring issue come up and am waiting on a replacement before I try out the stock. I expect great results. I am very impressed so far and it looks very TACTICOOL.


New member
Range Report Results

ABSOLUTELY AMAZING ! ! ! This is a MUST HAVE item ! I fired 7 rounds of 2 ¾ 00 Buck with a huge smile on my face. No recoil. I will never own another pump shotgun without a Knoxx stock on it. It is really hard to understand how much of a difference this stock makes without firing it. I had high expectations but it was even better than I expected. I could have shot slugs all day long. My wife could have. I will be putting a lot more rounds thru my shotty. My range report is – BUY THIS PRODUCT ! ! !


New member
Hmmm. Ok, got to rain on the parade just a little. I bought a Remington 870 Express with the 18" bead sight barrel, 3" chamber, extended magazine. changed the barrel to the 20" with rifle sights for better long range slug placement. I then added the Spec Ops stock. Took off for the range. In the area of felt recoil to the shoulder, it couldn't be better. I could and have shot it all day without any real discomfort to my SHOULDER. We shot bird shot, Hornady and Remington reduced recoil slugs and 00 buckshot, and Remington full power buck and slugs. No problems.

However, on two different occasions I have returned with my cheekbone area very red and the cheekbone deeply bruised and sore for nearly a week. I corresponded with a representative from Knoxx, and he suggested that I had the stock adjusted too short and was slamming my cheekbone on the bell. In all fairness, I did do this for the very first couple of hours of shooting it, but my friend pointed out to me that I was right on the bell, and I lengthened the stock so my cheek was well back from it, and I have shot it this way since.

I realize that if I were to only shoot the thing when it was needed for defense, it would likely never get shot. I am a firm believer in training and practice, and that is largely why I bought the Spec Ops. I have a 3 day defensive shotgun course (calls for 300 to 400 rounds) coming up in September, and I am afraid my cheekbone won't survive, although my shoulder should come through in fine shape.

Anybody else experience this, or am I just weird? Ok, I know I am weird, but has anybody else experienced this?


New member
I suppose there is always an exception. It sounds like you are correct. You probably just have the stock adjusted to short or are placing your face to far forward and are getting beat up by the recoil mechanism.

I can only speak for myself. I am thrilled to death with the stock. It's by far the most pleasant 12ga shooting experiance I have ever had and after my fellow officers shoot it then I imagine they will be getting the stock on their guns too.


New member
A few of my friends (all very experienced shooters) have tried it. Two of them loved it, and the other one, while he agreed that it did indeed make the recoil pleasant was bothered by the movement of the recoil mechanism. So, obviously, for most folks it works admirably. I'm going to give it a couple of more trys before it ends up on someone else's gun. It has also been suggested that I am possibly holding the stock too tightly. Could be. I just wondered if anyone else had experienced the sore cheekbone syndrome.

:p Yeah, yeah, I know, "Does my face hurt?...'cause it's killing you!!":p


New member
RoscoeC, the problems with cheek slap are well documented and the solution is lengthening the stock. There is no benefit to creeping up on the stock, esspecially when it causes you pain. New technology means rethinking and retraining to some extent. It is not necessary to pull the stock tight to your shoulder nor is it good form to crouch over the top of the gun.

Try these tips before you pull the plug. Your shoulder will thank you for it.


SpecOps stock

I finally got my Remington 870 with the SpecOps stock installed to the range today. I am happy with the product, but I think it's a stretch to say recoil is gone. It'a more of a "push" than the "punch" it used to be. It is more comfortable, but you still know you're setting off a 12 gauge slug. It will stay on the gun forever, but I expected more due to the rave reviews it gets.